About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Pastor, Have You Heard About David Rasnake

Church planting is needed everywhere! Though much prejudice exists about men reaching the Western United States from their home churches in the East, the Rasnake family has answered God’s call to the the city of Madera, California. I have met David on several occasions and feel that he is worthy of your consideration.

David and his wife, Amber, have one son named Nathan. They are from Stockbridge, Georgia and are sent out of Liberty Baptist Church where Brother Matthew Grimes is the fine pastor. (Learn more about this family by reading this post. Much of the material is taken from their ministry website.)

Statistics About California

The Case For California!!!

  • Fact #1 = 27,800,000 people in California are barely being reached with the gospel or have no gospel preaching church.
  • Fact #2 = 373 Cities in California are being reached by just 279 churches.
  • Fact #3 = Those 279 churches are responsible for reaching 27,846,396 people.
  • Fact #4 = If these 279 churches worked together they are individually responsible for 99,808 people.

Conclusion: We must plant more churches, reach more people, grow more sold out Saints of God, to send out more Servants of the Lord.

The Slip of Christianity in America

In a very lose meaning of Christianity, the United States has 33.1% of the worlds professing Christians. The United States also has 21.8% of the worlds Muslim population. We need to live for our living Lord and Savior, because the Muslims are sold out to a dead god and a hopeless religion. (Stats from the ARDA) Posted Aug. 11, 2010 – on David’s Website

Their Testimony

God has called my wife and I to go and plant churches in California. When I was five years old I was listening to a tape where one of the characters was being led to the Lord. I asked my mother what was happening, and she took her Bible and began to explain that I was a sinner. She showed me from God’s Word how I deserved to go to Hell but that God had a plan for saving mankind from sin. My mother told me that I must accept that gift of salvation and ask God to forgive me of my sins. I asked Christ to come into my heart and save me that day.

I was blessed to grow up in a home that kept Christ center in my life. One summer God spoke to me during summer camp and I surrendered my life to God. In June of 1999 I was given the opportunity to see missions first hand in Saltillo, Mexico. After returning from this trip God greatly burdened me for missions work. In the summer of 2004 I was at a week long conference that was full of great speakers with totally different messages, but God used every message to show me the great need for churches in America. As the conference came to an end I knew that God was calling me to do my part in reclaiming America for Christ. Ever since then God has continued to magnify the need of Churches in the west and particularly in the state of California.

In David’s Own Words

“Hello my name is David Rasnake and I am a church planting missionary to the state of California. Some may ask why America and why California. Today America is said to be the third largest mission field in the world. I would dare say it has been a forsaken mission field as well. Almost 200 million people in America no longer attend church of any kind. In the state of California more than 75% of the people do not attend any church. While I was visiting California it quickly became clear, the lack of Biblical churches. The western United States of America has been starved of the gospel and we must reach them. Please visit my website and I would love to hear from you through e-mail or telephone. We are praying that the Lord will have us in California in 2011. If we can do anything or you would be interested in more information please contact me. Thank you.”

Ministry Video


Why Madera?

The city of Madera is located in the center of the state of California. It has a population of 57,000 people and no church actively reaching these people with the truths of God’s Word. This city is located about 25 minutes from the much larger city of Fresno. There is great growth potential in Madera in terms of population but even greater spiritually. Being able to start a good Independent Fundamental Baptist church that shares the love of Christ and reaches souls with the truth of salvation can truly change this city. It is our goal and burden to 1) Raise up the needed support to get there. 2) Lead people to Christ and help develop and teach them more about God’s Word. 3) Start a Biblical church that is self-supporting and thriving. 4) Start and/or help start more churches throughout the central valley of California.

Contact Information

Church Planting In California
David, Amber, & Nathan Rasnake
1466 Old Conyers Rd.
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(404) 451-2602
Email: [email protected]

Important Links

Ministry Website: www.reachingca.weebly.com

Sending Church:

Liberty Baptist Church
1410 Valley Hill Rd.
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(770) 474-1247
Pastor Matthew Grimes
Pastor Emeritus Dr. Glenn Anderson

Church Website: www.libertybaptist-ga.org

Mission Board:

Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc.
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517
(706) 654-2818

Website: www.mwbm.org

Doctrinal Statement

Testimony And Recommendations


On behalf of this fine missionary family, I ask that you pray for them and their ministry. It would mean a lot to The Working Pastorif you would call or email them. Try to encourage this family in some way. Let them know that you learned about their ministry from this website!


Would you consider purchasing…

6016X: Whatever Happened to Worship? Whatever Happened to Worship?

By A.W. Tozer / Wingspread Publishers

Decrying much of contemporary worship as entertainment, Tozer says, “When we are worshipping…if the love of God is in us and the Spirit of God is breathing praise within us, all the musical instruments in heaven are suddenly playing in full support.” Originally preached as sermons at Avenue Road Alliance Church in Toronto, the chapters of Whatever Happened to Worshipconvey Tozer’s attitude and thoughts on Christian worship.

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Are You In God’s Will?

Are you in God’s will? Time is running out!

Nobody can put a price tag on the peace that comes from knowing you are in the midst of God’s perfect will! Every saved person should know God’s will for their life. It is not that difficult to find and is usually rather obvious to you.

Pastor’s Struggle With The Will Of God…

Pastors sometimes struggle with God’s will over very specific matters. If a man is worth his salt, then he will be very sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in every facet of his life and of the God-given ministry which he is carrying out. Though struggling may occur, it will clear up as one submits to the Lord! Also, never mock or ridicule someone for taking their time in search of the divine will of God for their life. The added time spent can mean all the difference in the world.

David’s Epitaph…

I am reminded of David’s testimony as referred to in Acts 13:36. He is said to have served his generation by the will of God and then died. How powerful an epitaph that is! What David did is God’s purpose for all born again believers.

(Acts 13:36) “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:”  (KJV)

Checklist For Finding God’s Will…

  1. Do what you know to be the will of God already.
  2. Search the Scriptures for verses dealing with God’s will and measure your life against it. The phrase “will of God” is mentioned in 23 verses specifically! (KJV)
  3. Seek God’s will through prayer.
  4. Seek the advice of your pastor.
  5. Seek the advice of a Godly parent.
  6. Wait on an answer before moving forward.

Bottom Line…

(1 John 2:17) “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”  (KJV)

Can you answer this post’s title question? Are you in God’s will? Whether you are a pastor or laymen, church member or not, if you are saved, then you need to be in the center of God’s will for your life!

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A Compilation Of Remarks About Prayer For Every Pastor’s Use

If you are like me, then you are always on the lookout for great axioms on prayer. From time to time I will come across some kernels of truth about this essential practice that seems to springboard my Christian walk. It is my hope that this list of 34 remarks on prayer will be of some use to you in your walk with God and as a leader in your local church.

34 Remarks On The Subject Of Prayer

#1 – The preacher’s best work is done on his knees.

#2 – If God did not intend to hear us, he would not bid us pray.

#3 – God does nothing but by prayer.

#4 – The right man, praying the right kind of prayer, will get the right kind of answer.

#5 – You don’t have to be talented to pray.

#6 – What is wrong with me is wrong with my prayer life.

#7 – Prayer is the key that opens and shuts heaven. (James 5:17-18)

#8 – The object of prayer is to move the arm of God.

#9 – The object of prayer is to get the ear of God.

#10 – The object of prayer is to get the answer.

#11 – Prayer is to the soul what breathing is to the body.

#12 – Until you pray, you can do nothing but pray.

#13 – We should pray specifically, seriously, and steadfastly.

#14 – Unbelief says, I see something in the hand of God, and I cannot get it.

#15 – Don’t treat prayer like a spare tire.

#16 – Very little of eternal importance is done apart from prayer.

#17 – Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies beyond the will of God.

#18 – The quickest way to get a church on its feet is to get it on its knees.

#19 – “What a man is, he is on his knees before God, and nothing more.” – Robert Murray McCheyne

#20 – What comes from God in a promise should be sent back to Him in a prayer. (Revelation 22:20)

#21 – You can’t get a $10,000 answer to a 10-cent prayer.

#22 – Where I cannot go on my feet, I can go on my knees.

#23 – I am praying that God will make me:

1. A victorious man
2. A Spirit-filled man
3. A man of prayer
4. A man of the Word
5. A surrendered man
6. A man of one purpose
– Oswald J. Smith

#24 – Five ingredients in prayer:

1. Praise
2. Thanks
3. Confession
4. Intercession
5. Petition

#25 – The measure of your spiritual life is your prayer life.

#26 – I want God to hear me when I pray and men to hear me when I preach.

#27 – If you cannot go to God with a broken heart go to Him for one.

#28 – You are not going to reach the masses by great sermons. We must “move the arm that moves the world.” To do that, we must be clear and right before God. – D. L. Moody

#29 – A church is only as powerful as it is prayerful.

#30 – “Prayer pulls the rope, and the great bell rings above in the ear of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continually with all his might.” – C. H. Spurgeon

#31 – The ministry of Christ reflected His prayer life.

#32 – Our ministry reflects our prayer life.

#33 – “Communion is the line that joins us to the battery of God’s power.” – M. R. DeHaan

#34 – “He who would preach powerfully must pray effectively.” – Dr. Oswald J. Smith

These remarks have been taken from the book A Manual For Young Pastors (And Older Ones Too) by Dr. Jim Phillips. Dr. Phillips has graciously given permission for The Working Pastor to use his material. Any quotes from here need to be given to Dr. Phillips. For those who would like a copy of this book simply contact Brother Phillips: Dr. Jim Phillips – 13 Darby Hill Lane Taylors, SC 29687 or call: 864-609-9431 The book is $17.00 and $3.00 S&H.;

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64945: The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer

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