About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Pastor, Keep It Simple

Pastor Andrew SchankAs of late, God has been dealing with me on several issues regarding the pastorate. I am currently in a unique situation being that we are starting a church from scratch. It is very challenging, and forcing me to go back to the early church’s simple and primitive roots. Simply put, we need to keep things simple. Listed below are some thoughts I have pondered about this issue. I hope they help you in days ahead!

Keep Salvation’s Message Simple

(Ephesians 2:8-9) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”  (KJV)

Salvation’s simplicity is amazing. Sinners need to repent of their sins and place their faith and trust in Christ’s sacrificial death, burial, and glorious resurrection. So many denominations and churches seek to bar the gates of Heaven, whether they realize this or not, with baptisms, works, and sacraments, etc.

We must keep the message of salvation plain, simple and clear. To complicate things brings everyone involved heart ache, and, in many cases, eternal damnation because of false, heretical, and man made doctrines. Make much of Jesus and He will make much of you!

Keep The Public Worship Service Simple

Dry liturgical services can embalm God’s children. No matter the type of church, history proves that dead worship spreads like cancer and will kill the potential worshipful atmosphere. What’s wrong with prayer, spirit filled hymns, and old fashioned preaching?

Entertainment, by definition, requires a complicated structure which tries to mimic the real. It is not the REAL thing, but only a mechanism which seeks to re-create the real. You do not need an entertainment driven ministry when you have a spirit filled church!

Keep The Ministry Simple

  • Keep the main thing the main thing!
  • If it is not broken, be wary about trying to fix it!
  • Exalt Christ in all you pursue!
  • Take time to enjoy the little things God does in your life!


Much of my problems as a pastor stem from complexity. Striving for and maintaining a simple approach to ministry has helped keep my stress level to a minimum and increased my joy! People tend to enjoy the simple and appreciate it’s refreshment amidst the backdrop of dead formality!

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What A Curse!

This is an outsourced post from Missionary Tony Howeth.

Brother Tony’s Bio:

Tony Howeth and his wife Stacey are the proud parents of four children…Seth (16), Lauryn (14), Ethan (12) and Camryn (8). This November 26th, they will have been married for 20 years. Tony has had the privilege of serving at Whitfield Baptist Church for 8 years, pastored Bemiss Road Baptist Church for 6 years and currently is in charge of the prefield work of missionaries representing Macedonia World Baptist Missions. Continue reading

Pastor, Is Your Church Balanced In It’s Purpose

In our society today, it is quite common to see the mainstream become a specialization. What was once a general repair shop for automobiles, has now become a muffler repair shop only. What was once considered a family practice, has now become a pediatrician’s office. There is nothing wrong with adjusting a business model, accordingly, to the local market, but this philosophy cannot be adopted into the accomplishment of the purposes of Christ’s church.

What Is The Purpose(s) Of The Church?

As related by Dr. Roger Baker, of Calvary Baptist Church and Seminary of King, North Carolina, there are five distinct purposes of the local church which can be found in two important statements made by the Lord Jesus. Consider the following…

#1 THE GREAT COMMANDMENT (Matthew 22:36-40) – summarizes the entire Old Testament

  • We are told to love God which is WORSHIP
  • We are told to love our neighbor which is MINISTRY

#2 THE GREAT COMMISSION(Matthew 28:18-20)

  • Told to make disciples which is EVANGELISM
  • Told to teach which is DISCIPLESHIP
  • Told to baptize which enlists believers into FELLOWSHIP of the local assembly

We can see how the five purposes of the local church are found in these two statements. ALL five must be carried out. The church has been equipped to do so, but, for one reason or another, many local churches get out of balance and fail to successfully carry these out, as a complete unit, consistently.

Further Analysis…

Consider the following statements very carefully and compare with YOUR local church. Can you see any resemblance with the following characterizations?

  1. Some churches major only on EVANGELISM and could be considered as evangelistic centers. Soul-Winning is the responsibility of every believer, but it is not the only purpose of the church body collectively. In this scenario, the pastor is seen primarily as an EVANGELIST.
  2. Some churches major only on DISCIPLESHIP and could be considered as information centers. The local assembly should take the lead in providing sound Bible teaching and provide fertile ground for personal growth and the maturation of God’s children, but this is not the sole purpose. In this scenario, the pastor is seen primarily as a TEACHER.
  3. Some churches major only on MINISTRY and could be considered as program centers. Helping people by various services, and ministries is great, but not the sole reason for the church’s existence. In this scenario, the pastor is seen primarily as a COORDINATOR.
  4. Some churches major only on FELLOWSHIP and could be considered as fellowship centers. We should fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ, but there are people to be evangelized and trained. In this scenario, the pastor is seen primarily as a “SOCIALIZE-ER”.
  5. Some churches major only on WORSHIP and could be considered worship centers. Worship is absolutely essential in our lives as believers, but it is not the only purpose of the New Testament Church. In this scenario, the pastor is seen primarily as a PRIEST to bring people into the presence of God.


Many well meaning congregations have been unbalanced in their pursuit of fulfilling God’s purpose for their local church. As a result, people are not well balanced. Each of these purposes: evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, and worship are necessary and equally important. They function together as a unit.

Some could convincingly argue the point that we should be happy to excel in one or more of these areas; individually. They would argue that it ought to be acceptable and admiral to be overly balanced in any, one, of the purposes. After all, they are, in fact, things we are supposed to be exemplifying.

One may be extremely offended by this post’s assertions, but the fact of the matter is that we need BALANCE. I do not use the term balance as “CODE”for some weird, doctrinal position. In fact, I personally feel it to be considered a compliment to have a church known for some of the individual purposes mentioned in this post. Who wouldn’t want to be known as a soul-winning church? This, however, is not the point. The 5 purposes of the church should be carried out in a balanced approach.

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