About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Pastors Can Lead Through Opposition!

There is a popular misconception among today’s Christians concerning their pastor’s popularity in the church and community. For some strange reason a pastor is supposed to be liked by everyone and have nobody at odds with him. This, however, could not be further from the truth! The very calling a pastor has from God and the office which he fills in the local assembly will indeed bring opposition.

Tip #1 – Keep On Preaching…

Many congregations have become so politically correct that they start biting fingernails when their pastor says anything that might offend. Rather than concern themselves with what God might think of their pastor’s ministry, they begin to remedy their “PROBLEM” by adopting situation ethics. When they begin traveling down this slippery slope, they actually form a wall of opposition to their pastor. What’s worse, many never intend to oppose their pastor… they were just saving face.

(2 Timothy 1:7) “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  (KJV)

Pastors can lead scared congregations through opposition, just like at other times, but they cannot allow themselves to adopt situation ethics even though others might do so. Pastors can do many things to keep things moving along in the midst of opposition. A study about “faith in God’s promises” would be a great topic for discussion in Sunday School classes and a series of messages on the subject, delivered from the pulpit, is not a bad idea either. At any rate, pastors have to preach and teach what God lays upon them no matter how someone might receive it.

Tip #2 – Keep On Loving…

Congregations can be like a bucking horse. They are hard to stay on top of at times. Your best members can be the greatest source of opposition… though often, they do not realize it. Thinking they are doing the right thing, they begin sharing “THEIR” thoughts about a situation. Before long, division has begun to spread and the unity of the church can be in jeopardy.

(2 Timothy 2:25) “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;”  (KJV)

Pastors can continue to effectively lead divided congregations by doing so with an extra dose of love. It is entirely possible for churches to weather these kind of storms by having pastors that love them enough to lead in meekness. In fact, love is the material meekness is made of. Moses led in meekness because he loved God’s people! Pastors in today’s society can do the same thing.

Tip#3 – Keep On Praying…

A quarrelsome congregation will do a lot of things to a pastor, but one positive thing it will do is keep him on his knees. The sad part of this matter is that praying is the one thing pastors spend very little time doing. Many studies have shown and many polls have been taken which say that virtually all pastors agree that meaningful prayer is the single most important activity in which they should participate. These studies also showed that these same pastors related that prayer was the one thing they spent the least amount of time involved in compared to other duties and responsibilities.

Make no mistake about it, pastors can lead a congregation through opposition by praying for it. History is littered with examples of congregations who were in dire circumstances and yet a praying pastor let them forth triumphantly. In many respects, Moses and his relationship to Israel serve to illustrate this. Moses, interceded for Israel time after time. It was his prayers that kept Israel from being destroyed on numerous occasions.


Pastor, I am not sure what you are facing at this very moment, but rest assured that God knows right where you are at. A pastor friend of mine has stated to me, more than one time, “When I cannot track HIM, I will still trust HIM!” Will you still endeavor to faithfully lead your congregation through opposition from within and without, even though you cannot see where your Lord is at? My prayer is that you will say, “YES!”

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101 Ways To Help Your Pastor

Every pastor, regardless of age, years of experience, and size of congregation, needs help from time to time. It is the responsibility of the congregation to meet the needs when they arise. Listed below are 101 ways one can help their pastor in various categories/areas. It is very likely that someone could add to this list. For this reason, we ask that you submit your ideas in the comment section below!

101 Ways To Help Your Pastor
In Prayer By Praying…
-1 For his safety as he travels about.
-2 For his good health – physically.
-3 For his wife.
-4 For his children.
-5 For his personal financial needs.
-6 For his emotional needs – depression, etc.
-7 For his spiritual needs – grace, peace, mercy.
-8 For his personal walk with God – spiritual growth.
-9 For his besetting sins and character flaws.
-10 For his witness – to be faithful to it.
-11 For his witness – boldness.
-12 For power/unction of Holy Ghost on his life and ministry.
-13 For his effectiveness as a leader.
-14 For his effectiveness as a husband.
-15 For his effectiveness as a father.
-16 For him to have many open doors of ministry.
-17 For his open doors to be prolonged and sustained.
-18 That he would be delivered from unreasonable people.
-19 That he would be delivered from wicked people.
-20 That he would be delivered from ensnaring people.
When You Are In Public…
-21 By always promoting his good qualities.
-22 By never involving yourself in gossip about him.
-23 By highlighting the helpful lessons and messages which he has preached recently.
-24 By treating him with highest respect.
-25 By defending him when criticized in a Christ-like way.
When You Are At Church…
-26 By seeking ways to be more involved in church activities.
-27 By seeking ways to possibly take the leadership roles in activities. BE AVAILABLE!
-28 By being faithful to all the public worship services unless Providentially hindered.
-29 By being on time.
-30 By being polite to others.
-31 By keeping church politics to a minimum.
-32 By being willing to give your seat up to others; including visitors.
-33 By picking up any trash on the floors and in the churchyard. Also by straightening things up that are out of place.
-34 By keeping restrooms looking neat and clean.
-35 By turning lights off.
When Your Church Has Business Meetings…
-36 By attending each meeting.
-37 By having a co-operative spirit.
-38 By agreeing to disagree agreeably.
-39 By only offering helpful suggestions.
-40 By not carrying grudges to or from a meeting.
With Church Problems…
-41 By not being one.
-42 By not trying to think FOR the pastor.
-43 By not jumping the gun and thinking the pastor is not doing anything about a particular situation that means a lot to you.
-44 By staying out of the way unless directly involved.
-45 By not gossiping about problems with other church members.
-46 By praying for wisdom to be given to pastor on how to handle the problem(s) at hand.
-47 By praying for the individuals/groups involved to do what is right.
With Enlisting More Laborers…
-48 By being one.
-49 By training others to take your place… if you hold a position.
-50 By praying for more laborers.
When Approaching Him…
-51 By speaking to pastor in the way you want to be spoken to.
-52 By not assuming pastor has been made aware of your specific need or circumstance.
-53 By not demanding an answer to anything.
-54 By not putting him into a corner with no way to come out.
-55 By keeping your questions and problems till after the worship service.
-56 By waiting until there is nobody around for privacy.
-57 By trying to speak with pastor initially in a public area, and not in the office first. – testimony
As A Deacon…
-58 By making visits for him.
-59 By shielding him from unnecessary nonsense.
-60 By praying for him.
-61 By never seeking to undermine in any form or fashion.
-62 By speaking positively of him; especially when around those who are disgruntled.
-63 By being on the lookout for potential issues and ready to help.
-64 By helping to provide a livable wage as a church member.
-65 By supporting a yearly raise.
-66 By paying (church)  for his gas. – visits, etc.
-67 By providing (church) a retirement package.
-68 By covering health insurance for him and family. (church)
-69 By giving him a love gift at Christmas.
-70 By giving him a birthday present.
-71 By providing a monthly library fund for the purchase of new books. This helps him when developing a series and other studies.
By Being friendly…
-72 Seeking to have him and family over for dinner.
-73 Enjoying recreational activities with him and his family.
-74 Even when you are in a disagreement him.
By Promoting His Ministry…
-75 In an ad in the paper at your own expense.
-76 On the radio in an advertisement, etc.
-77 On facebook. – Fanpage of church/pastor
-78 On twitter.
-79 Giving away CD’s cassette tapes, and DVD’s of his messages to your friends and co-workers.
-80 When sending emails to your friends and acquaintances.
In Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ…
-81 By participating in door to door soul-winning.
-82 By participating in a neighborhood literature distribution campaign.
-83 By helping at tract tables at flea markets and fairs.
-84 By having unsaved friends over for a party and inviting your pastor over to witness to them.
-85 By helping a group who goes street preaching.
-86 By helping in a jail ministry.
-87 By helping in an addiction ministry like Reformers Unanimous.
While He Is Preaching…
-88 By paying attention.
-89 By not talking. This can distract others from hearing the message.
-91 Try to keep babies quiet. Though unwanted, it is sometimes best to take small babies to a nursery area.
-92 Smile! Sour looks can be discouraging.
-93 Shout “AMEN!” when God speaks to your heart about something the preacher says. This will encourage your pastor while he is preaching.
Behind The Scenes…

-94 By encouraging others to encourage the pastor.
-95 By sending an anonymous gift of a favorite snack, etc
-96 By helping to organize a “Pastor’s Appreciation Day” for him.
-97 By taking care of known projects that he has around his home.
-98 By doing something special for his children.

With His Vehicle…

-99 By being sure his oil is changed regularly.
-100 By providing new tires when necessary.
-101 By possibly helping with a car payment.

Bottom Line…

This list is the tip of the iceberg when it come to ideas to help your pastor. If you have thought of something not mentioned, then please leave it in the comment section below. Thanks for your participation!

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10576: A Pastor & The Pastor"s Wife, Framed Sentiment A Pastor & The Pastor’s Wife, Framed Sentiment

By Larry Howland / Parsons Pen

Measures 15.5″ x 12.5″. Light oak finish frame. Neutral mat. A pastor is a faithful friend/Who has his Father’s flock to tend./He cares for us through trying days,/Retrieves the lamb who sometimes strays./He brings us loving words from God,/Of Moses’ feats with Aaron’s rod,/Of Daniel in the lion’s den,/Of godly women and their men./From parables the Master taught/To understanding what Paul thought./He speaks to us of God’s dear Son,/Of unity, so we’ll be one./When sick or sad he’s always there/To comfort, guide and offer prayer./He’s tender, caring, meek and kind;/The Spirit’s in his heart and mind. And She’s like a fresh and lovely rose/That angels planted, then God chose./He gave her soft and gentle ways/To help us through our trying days./She walks with us through pain and loss/And lives the meaning of the cross./She always thinks of others first/And loves us when we’re at our worst./She has such kind and gentle ways/And builds us up with words of praise./Her tears and prayers and long hours spent/Have helped so many to repent./A confidant with whom to share,/A partner when it comes to prayer,/Two blessings in a Christian’s life/Are pastor and his faithful wife.

A Pastor’s Pathway To Personal Revival

Any true follower of the King of kings and Lord of lords can experience a spiritual rejuvenation through an authentic personal revival. Though revival is counterfeited in manifold ways these days, true revival is lasting and life changing. Instead of trying to manufacture revival through entertainment, emotional apron strings and a worldly philosophical approach, pastors need to have a personal encounter with God EVERY day! In turn, this will inspire the driest of bones, around the minister in question, to draw life giving sinew from the Holy Ghost once again. The real question is, “Pastor, do you really want revival?”

Listed below is a suggested checklist of 10 important ideas that will help you improve your Christian walk as well as to have true revival in your life. 

(Ephesians 5:18) “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;”  (KJV)

#1 – Get Disgusted With Yourself!

It is one thing to be content materially speaking, but it is quite another issue when involving spiritual matters. Our Lord Jesus indicted the Ephesian church in Revelation 2:4 of leaving their first love. God did not stop loving them, but they LEFT their love FOR Him. This happens, many times, as a result of spiritual complacency. Before revival can take place in one’s heart, they must see the need of revival in the first place. This will never come into view until we get disgusted with ourselves!

#2 – Get Aboard And Stay Aboard!

Experimentation has no place here! Many folks window shop, but they never purchase anything. When seeking revival, one must be all aboard or just stay out of the way. Dabbling around the idea of revival will never do. If one is to truly live in the atmosphere of revival, then they will have to wholly give themselves to it AND its radical ramifications!

#3 – Get In The Right Position!

Imagine a family of four, who desire to take a vacation to Miami, Florida. They speak of it often, emailing their friends. They seek after it by getting advertisements, and brochures about their desirable, fun filled week. They plan and pack. Once loaded, and sitting in the car, they suddenly realize that they forgot to fill the gas tank and change the oil. The problem was that this family was so excited about the blessings of the trip ahead that they neglected to get in the pathway that would provide it!

God’s people often make this same mistake. While desiring the blessings of God and ramifications of what we would term a state of revival, many saints do not place themselves in a way of living to where they can experience the aforementioned blessings. There are plainly marked pathways for God’s people to travel in which provide arenas of blessing. Venturing away, however, from this well worn path and engaging in sin, will only produce heart ache and judgment.

#4 – Get Distinct With Repentance!

Revival and repentance are inseparable. Our problem is that we move through repentance with a rocket’s pace! As the hymn of old is entitled, “Take Time To Be Holy”, so must we who are seeking revival. Unless, godly sorrow is worked into our soul, then we will have an extremely shallow view of sin. Tolerance for sin and carnality will be the flags flying from our soul’s mast. Be deliberate and distinct when dealing with sin and repentance from it.

#5 – Get Right With Others!

We cannot be right with God, if we are at odds with our fellow man. How can we be right with God, who we cannot see, and be crossed up with someone who we can see? Though almost extinct, restitution has its place in revival. When people can be as right with others as they can, they they can be a candidate for a personal revival! Many pastors are not right with their fellow pastors and parishioners alike. As long as this is allowed to continue, revival will remain elusive and intangible!

#6 – Get Aligned With Scripture!

Belief and behavior are forever bound together. You cannot divide creed and conduct whatsoever. 1 Timothy 4:15-16 bears this out clearly. The Apostle Paul made sure that his son in the faith knew the importance of doctrine AND practice of that same doctrine! To be knowingly out of step with the Scripture and seek revival is like living in a fantasy world. In order to experience a genuine revival in our life, we must be in lock step with God’s Word! With diligent study, seek out how you can be a better Christian servant according to the Scriptures!

#7 – Get Serious!

It is amazing what we get serious about! Some pastors get serious about everything, but what they are supposed to. I am sure that they are in the extreme minority, but it is true! Our recreation time must be kept under close scrutiny. The eye and ear gates to our mind, must be guarded. Amusements can desensitize us to the point of tolerance to sin.

Be extremely careful and very serious about your relationship with God. Remember, there is no short cut to spirituality! Someone said, “God is not obligated to reward single acts of obedience, but a lifetime of faithful surrender!” The bottom line is that we must take revival and walking with God very serious, if we are to experience either one!

#8 – Get Rid Of The Excess!

In our day especially, it is easy to be a “Jack of all trades and master of none”, isn’t it? Every pastor has the same amount of time allotted to him! In the 24 hours that we have available each day, how are we spending this valuable commodity? There are, no doubt, some things that we can do without. I am not saying that they are sinful, but possibly a hindrance. Think about it… if we could do fewer things better, than more things mediocre, would not this be more productive? When we are muddled in an endless list of “THINGS” requiring our attention each day, then we are bound to suffer loss in our personal time with the Lord!

#9 – Get To Witnessing For Christ!

Involve yourself in proper things like sharing the good news of Christ! Activities of Biblical priority will be a good use of time and talent. Growing, refining, and pursuing these things will not make you spiritual, but will be tools by which you can learn to be more obedient to God. Laziness will sap your spiritual growth quicker than anything I know of. For sure, one of the best things to excite you for God’s work is to share the gospel with others!

#10 – Get To Growing In Faith!

Taking God at His own word will help you immensely. This is an ever increasing issue in a believer’s life. Believe not only that God can do something, but that He will do something! Each day, look to Jesus for everything. Don’t trust yourself one minute. Look Heavenward for everything! HAVE FAITH IN GOD!


Simply put, being filled with the Spirit of God is a state of revival. Getting down to business with God and walking with Him must be a daily priority. If it is not, then you cannot expect revival in your life! Every suggestion, that was mentioned above, deals with some aspect of being filled with God’s Spirit or of God’s control of our life. If you are driving your life, then God is not! Why not let him have the reins of your soul and bless you with a sweet walk with Him every day?

Will You Consider Purchasing…

29056: Why Revival Tarries Why Revival Tarries

By Leonard Ravenhill / Bethany House

Leonard Ravenhill’s call to revival is as timely now as it was when first published over forty years ago. The message is fearless and often radical as he expounds on the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today. This book contains the heart of his message, A.W. Tozer called Ravenhill “a man sent from God” who “appeared at (a) critical moment in history,” just as the Old Testament prophets did. Included are questions for group and individual study.

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