About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

12 Tips For Overcoming Fear In Soul Winning!

Pastor Andrew SchankNo single person  is immune from the fear that can grip you heart when presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its no wonder for we are in a spiritual battle: The Battle Of The Ages! We can speak about many things, but Satan is totally against us speaking for Christ. We must learn to overcome this and it is certain that God will help us do this very thing!

A while back I came across some tips that helped me with sharing the gospel. I hope you will find them helpful! Feel free to share these with your friends!

Overcoming Fear In Witnessing!

1.    Try to memorize an approach when addressing someone. Use a Soul-Winning Plan.

2.    Pray about your fear

3.    Remember and REALIZE that Jesus is with you. Matthew 28:18-20

4.    Do not be afraid to make a mistake

5.    Do not be afraid of doing more harm than good

6.    Do not be afraid of people asking questions

7.    Be MORE concerned about winning souls than friends

8.    Be DETERMINED to be a soul winner

9.    Do not let your imagination defeat you

10.    Refuse to think about your fear

11.    Have a positive mental attitude

12.    Be filled with the spirit.

          a.    Empty yourself – confess sin and get forgiveness
b.    Obey God – yield to Him
c.    Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit
d.    Claim the filling by faith and go forth

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76959: The Soul Winner The Soul Winner

By Charles Spurgeon / Christian Focus Publications

Evangelist par excellenceSpurgeon literally wrote the book on soul-winning. Distilling the Great Commission in this series of lectures, addresses and sermons he clearly and deftly conveys the length, depth and breadth of evangelism. He gives exacting definitions (so no ambiguity should remain) of, outlines qualifications and obstacles for, reveals the cost and reward of, and offers encouragement to those who should be about their “Father’s business”.Six college lectures begin the tour through what Spurgeon calls the “main pursuit of every true believer”, followed by four addresses given to Monday-evening prayer meetings for other preachers and teachers. Five instructive sermons follow, imparting such directives that will show the believer that “…he is wise who selects for his raw material immortal souls, whose existence shall outlast the stars.” In word and in deed, Spurgeon is a giant upon whose shoulders we should eagerly yet humbly aspire to stand.

Encouragement For Pastors Working Public Jobs

Pastor Andrew SchankA vast majority of pastors work public jobs as they lead their congregations. Many men of God used to work, but now are able to be free from the public sector and are fully devoted to their ministries. Whether you are gainfully employed in a public job, or not, it is important to view this issue the right way.

ATTENTION: To all pastors employed on main street… there is encouragement for you even though you cannot spend all your time on church street!

Take courage dear man of God and think about the following suggestions. May they serve to encourage you to keep on the firing line!

Encouragement For Pastors Working Public Jobs

#1 – More Than Likely, You Will Not Always Work A Public Job.

Years ago, when I pastored a church in North Carolina near where I grew up, a preacher friend said something that really encouraged me. He stated that I would not always have to work a public job and pastor a church at the same time. Furthermore, he made it clear that I should enjoy that job because one day I will wish I had it back. He was referencing the fact that a job can be a stress reliever. The point is, dear man of God, enjoy your job… while you have it.

#2 – Remember That You Public Job Is A Ministry In And Of Itself.

Often overlooked and under appreciated is the fact that a public job is a great ministry for a pastor to have. Not only is it a ministry, but you get paid to do it! While faithfully performing your duties at work, you will encounter people that normally would never give you the time of day. People who would normally never take time to get to know you will open up and be a friend.

Pastor, please do not discount the fact that you have the PRIVILEGE to have a working ministry in the public sector!

It is through these working relationships that many people are saved, and even called to preach. I know of several men in our area who worked a job with a preacher and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Not only, did they get saved, but they have been in the ministry for many years now. Pastor, please do not discount the fact that you have the PRIVILEGE to have a working ministry in the public sector!

#3 – Working A Public Job Does Not Mean You Are Second Class.

Anyone who attends national meetings, where big named preachers speak on the subjects of church growth and ministry, often leave more discouraged than when they arrived. For some reason the keynote speakers, usually full time pastors, forget where many of them came from. Though all did not have to work a job alongside their pastoral duties, several did. If you are not careful with your thoughts, then you will leave these meetings feeling like you are second class for working a public job.

Pastoring IS full time whether you work a public job or not.

Pastor, do not think that you are beneath full time pastors for one moment! God knows right where you are at, and has not forgotten about you. Think about it… pastoring IS full time whether you work a public job or not. If the truth be known, then you are probably making more of an eternal impact than many of the pulpiteers who grace the national conference circuits.

#4 – God Will Make Up The Difference.

The major point of contention for me in this issue is the element of productivity. I have always felt that I never had enough time for my family, work and church ministry. Though I felt this way, God always made up for where I lacked. If we are faithful doing what we CAN do, then God will be faithful to do what we CANNOT do! Pastor, just keep your eyes on the prize!


Pastor, Please Convey Something That You Helps You Keep Going In The Pastorate While Working A Public Job!

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3 Dangers To Avoid In Ministry

Wreck of SS Harvard on Point Arguello, Califor...Image via Wikipedia

The Bible warns us of dangers along life’s way. Its pages are filled with examples, both good and bad, of people who embarked along the road of life and faced temptation. Pastors have to be extra careful in their personal lives so as to practice what they preach and to lead by example. This post will help pastors deal with three specific categorical dangers in ministry.

I would like to begin with a video sharing the origin of my thoughts for this post. My pastor, Dr. Bobby Roberson  (Facebook Fan Page) of Gospel Light Baptist Church of Walkertown, North Carolina was at a meeting many years ago with Dr. Bill Rice Sr. Brother Rice shared the 3 dangers listed below in a meeting he had with pastors. Evidently, it made a profound impact upon my pastor and I hope it will make an impact on you as well! 


Danger #1 – Money And Finances

As the Scriptures state, “for the love of money is the root of all evil…” Preachers and pastors are not immune to this precept. If anybody should be above reproach, then it should be men of God. Satan’s choice instrument in betraying our Lord Jesus was a man named Judas. This disciple’s weakness was money! He shipwrecked because of this temptation, among others, and died as an unregenerate. Just as Dr. Charles Keen stated, in a meeting in which I as in attendance some months back, we must be honorable in settling our debts. Pastors beware of this destructive issue!

Danger #2 – The Opposite Sex

I suppose more men of God have fallen for a woman more than any other issue. Though I do not have the statistics to back it up, it does seem to be a plague today. Not only are adulterous affairs causing problems, but pornography is a growing epidemic as well. Many men have shipwrecked their lives because of a woman. Sampson, King David, and Solomon are just a few Biblical examples of this. May more men choose the pathway of integrity that Joseph followed in his younger years! Pastor, guard yourself!

Danger #3 – Doctrine

Since before the New Testament era began, false doctrine has plagued God’s people. Satan has a long track record of casting doubt, modifying what God said, and corrupting His words. One does not have to look very far away to find false doctrine. In fact, many, once great fundamental churches, have been gutted by cancerous doctrine. Men of God have to beware of this seductive issue. Stick with God’s Word… no matter what!


In the concluding remarks, which Dr. Bill Rice gave in that meeting years ago, a stately observation was given. He made it clear that if you examined the life of pastors and spiritual leaders who had shipwrecked, then you would usually find it due to one of these three dangers in ministry. I think he hit  the nail on the head. May God help each of us, who preach the gospel, to be careful to avoid these sandbars along life’s seas.

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