About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Witnessing Tip For Pastors – #2 | Overcoming Fear And Timidity

Though many soul-winners, pastors, missionaries and Christian workers seem as though they do not get scared and intimidated when they witness, we ALL get butterflies in our stomachs when we engage in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is no different than a soldier about to storm the beach with his platoon. He is going to be a little fearful. The important thing we have to remember is that we are involved in spiritual warfare. In view of this, we should not let fear be a detriment, but an Allie.

Listed below are some things to remember when you are out sharing the gospel in relation to the fear and intimidation you might face. We have coupled a thought with a verse of encouragement! THINK ABOUT EACH STATEMENT CAREFULLY!!!

#1 – Assuming you are truly saved, what is the worst thing that could happen?

(Romans 1:16) “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”  (KJV)

#2 – You are Christ’s Ambassador – You have all of the authority in the world to share the message of Jesus!

(2 Corinthians 5:20) “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.”  (KJV)

#3 – The person you face may seem cruel and intimidating, but they DO expect you to tell them the truth and be real!

(Galatians 4:16) “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”  (KJV)

#4 – The person you are speaking with or approaching is really more scared and intimidated of you than you are of them!

(2 Timothy 1:7) “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  (KJV)

#5 – God’s Spirit will enable you to say and do what you need to do when soul-winning… regardless of what may strike fear in you!

(1 John 4:4) “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”  (KJV)


One of the greatest things any child of God can do is to tell someone about Jesus Christ! Don’t let Satan dim your light by fear and intimidation! Everyone battles this issue so stay close to Jesus and keep on spreading the WORD!

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662713: Tozer Speaks: 128 Compelling & Authoritative Teachings, 2 Volumes Tozer Speaks: 128 Compelling & Authoritative Teachings, 2 Volumes

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What The Pastor Is NOT!

Every now and then, it is good to be reminded of what a pastor is and is not. What he should be and what he shouldn’t be must be on his mind DAILY! Satan is seeking whom he may devour. Many of God‘s people invite him to the table and they hop on his plate which is seen in the way they conduct their affairs! This a pastor must not do!  This post lists 20 things a pastor should not be! I hope it proves to be of great value to you!

20 Things A Pastor Is NOT!
  1. A Politician To Pull Wires!
  2. A Clown To Simply Amuse!
  3. A Star To Be Gazed At!
  4. A God To Be Worshiped!
  5. A Giant To Do All The Work!
  6. A Magnet To Attract Undue Attention!
  7. A Mat To Be Walked Upon!
  8. A Bookworm To Plague The People!
  9. A Lord To Command The Flock!
  10. A Grafter To Get The Money!
  11. A Maniac To Rant And Snort!
  12. A Skeptic To Deny The TRUTH!
  13. A Hobbyist To Disgust The Folk!
  14. A Sissy To Sicken The World!
  15. A Pharisee – “Holier Than Thou”!
  16. A Publican – Sinful In Life!
  17. A Drone To Seek The “Easy Chair”!
  18. A Bore – A Second-Winded Specie!
  19. A Caterer – Adhering To the Whims Of The Crowd!
  20. A Traitor To Compromise With Error!

The list above was taken from a Booklet entitled, “Riches In Romans” by Rev. Earl Jackson Edwards (Page 78)

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As J. Oswald Sanders points out, true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ—it involves the whole person and lifestyle.
Those with only a superficial belief will soon fall away from the faith, but Sanders says a true disciple would rather be presented with a difficult challenge than a soft option. Disciples are charged with the task of training themselves to be godly, because it is their responsibility to remain spiritually fit. Ever-fresh topics in this time-tested volume include:

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In addition, a “For Reflection” guide is included, making this book ideal for both individual and group study.

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Pastor, Have You Heard About Samuel Mills

From time to time, pastors and missionaries need refreshment and help. For those who do not have an assistant pastor or someone qualified to preach and take care of things in your absence, it can be difficult to get away. This is where The Mills Family come in…

A couple of years ago, I met Brother Samuel Mills, for the first time, at a missions conference at his home church in Salisbury, North Carolina. His pastor, Darrell Worley, was away unexpectedly due to a death (?). Brother Mills was filling in as the moderator of the meeting, and there was a lot of pressure due to the fact that this was not only a missions conference for New Hope Baptist Church, but also a regional meeting for Macedonia World Baptist Missions. In spite of the added weight of leadership on his part, God used him in a great way!


Listed Below is an excerpt from Brother Mills’ Information Packet…

Salvation and Call to the Ministry

I was saved in 1991 at a Kid’s Crusade at the age of four. I clearly understood that I was a sinner and that Jesus was the only way of salvation; I then asked the Lord to forgive my sins and to save me. I surrendered to the call of God to be an Evangelist in July of 2001. During my teenage and college years, the Lord provided many opportunities to preach in Vacation Bible Schools, teen activities, Children’s Church, Regular Sunday and Wednesday services, and others. Preaching is one of the greatest passions of my life; I take the call of God to preach with all seriousness.

My Wonderful Wife

One of the greatest blessings that I have ever received is my wonderful wife Bethany. We were married on May 31, 2008. Bethany also received Christ as her Savior early in life and it is her desire to serve God as the wife of an Evangelist. She earned an associate’s degree in early childhood education. Her training and experience as a Sunday school teacher, Wednesday night club leader, children’s church worker, and bus captain enables us to more effectively reach the younger generation in a local church and community. Together, we have chosen Jude 22 as our ministry motto and goal: “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” It is our deepest desire to make a difference in this world for Christ through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Life as a Missionary

Through my teenage years, I had the wonderful experience of being part of a missionary family. This allowed me to travel to many different churches while on deputation. On the deputation trail, I was able to learn much about ministering in a different location on a weekly basis. Once on the mission field, I was able to work closely with my Dad in the starting of a brand new Baptist church. During these days, I was able to work with my family in many Vacation Bible Schools, fill the pulpit on many occasions, and view first-hand the life of a Pastor. One of the most valuable lessons that I have learned from my parents is that the ministry is worth giving your all with no strings attached.

Bible College

It was my privilege to receive Biblical and practical training from Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC. By God’s grace, after four years of school, I was able to graduate in May of 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Evangelism. During my time at Ambassador, I had the opportunity to sit under men of God who had years of experience in the Gospel ministry and specifically the ministries of missions and evangelism.

Assistant Pastor

I have had the privilege to be on staff under Dr. Darrell Worley at New Hope Baptist Church in Salisbury, NC for over three and a half years. I am very grateful for the training and experience that I have received as an assistant pastor. Under the direction of Pastor Worley, we were able to be part of a church growing in attendance from a 69 average on Sunday mornings to almost a 500 average. We have been privileged to build bus routes from the ground up and to work consistently in the Children’s Church ministry. I have had the opportunity to be responsible for much of the visitation program at New Hope.

As assistant pastor, I have had the opportunity to develop much of the Wednesday night youth program that is currently in place; we have also been privileged to work in our Vacation Bible School. Each year, we at New Hope have our own Youth Camp; I have been able to participate in the designing and planning of this youth camp for four years. For two years, I worked as the Assistant Camp Director; the last two years, I served as the Teen Camp Director.

We believe with all our heart that God has prepared us to do a task. Our time on this earth is quickly running out. Please pray that we will soon be able to be on the field full-time!

A Personal Note From Brother Samuel Mills:

“Brother Mills and his wife are in the field of Missionary Evangelism. Their God-given mission is to assist missionaries on an extended-stay basis. For 2-3 months at a time, the Mills family joins forces with a missionary or pastor to strengthen and encourage that particular family and ministry. They are sent out of New Hope Baptist Church in Salisbury, NC where Dr. Darrell Worley is the pastor. The Mills family is currently on deputation to raise their monthly support. Please pray for the Mills family as they seek to faithfully serve Jesus Christ.”


Brother Samuel and Mrs. Bethany, are a real blessing to be around. They would love the opportunity to share their ministry with you and your church family. They can be contacted by phone: 704-754-7984 or via email: [email protected] 

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838309: The Preacher and His Preaching The Preacher and His Preaching

By A.P. Gibbs / ECS Ministries

This present books brings Gibb’s encyclopedic knowledge of the subject within our reach. Gibb’s seriousness, thoroughness, energy, and urgency breath from this book. First entitled A Primer on Preaching, as Gibbs matured so his study of the sacred art of preaching grew. His final edition was completed just months before his sudden homecall in an auto accident enroute to Hamilton, Ontario, for a two week series of Gospel meetings.

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