About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Pastoring In Obscurity

Most of God’s men serve in utter obscurity! Known by very few outside their community, God’s men live day by day trying to do the will of the Lord. This divine plan is to carry out their labors without seeking recognition by their peers. If there is any applause ordered, it is usually by those who have been personally helped by their pastor. Contentment with obscurity is contrary to human nature. Yet, this is what God orders for most. After all, God has not forgotten one of His servants and we are supposed to be focused on pleasing HIM only!

Joseph WAS Promoted From Obscurity… 

After living a life in obscurity while languishing in prison, Joseph was promoted to Vice President of Egypt. The Scripture is silent about the thoughts and feelings of this perfect type of Christ. Every pastor ponders what went through this young man’s mind. However, we can see that these years prepared him for his greatest role. Every now and then, God brings forth a vessel to place on His mantle piece. Just such a thing happened to Joseph!

What A Sight…

(1 Peter 5:6) “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:”  (KJV)

What a beautiful sight to behold when God brings glory to himself through casting a spotlight on His man! On the other hand, it is a despicable sight to see a preacher that elevates himself. Every man of God can embrace the old nature’s desire for recognition, and act wrong with it. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be recognized for our labors, but we should let God elevate us. We are to humble ourselves and let God exalt us!

God Knows Best…

Great lessons of life are ingrained, experiences gained, and precepts are passed on because of a life of obscurity! Never should we despise the day of small things, nor should we be unhappy with our place of service. God is the Lord of the Harvest. He knows best where to plant His seeds. Though easier said than done, we should bloom where we are planted!


Whether your place of service is in a large city, or a small unheard of hamlet, be content! When we think we are spinning our wheels, we are often doing the most good. Our estimation of the ministry, which God has so graciously given to us, is not always correct in its assessment. God is really good at keeping records, and one day the books will be opened. May we strive for that day, even though we may now live in obscurity!

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Restitution: An Often Overlooked Step To A Clear Conscience!

As a pastor you encounter many situations which require a great deal of wisdom on your part. Godly wisdom, that is! One area in which you need a great deal of understanding is that of conflict resolution. In this arena, restitution is a key player. If one is not willing to make restitution for wrongs committed, then there is no REAL repentance. Also, if there is no desire for restitution, then there remains a guilty conscience on the part of the offender/offended.

This post seeks to give some suggestions as to how to deal conflicts as well as to shed some light on the subject of restitution and its relation to a clear conscience. This material is something I got while in Bible College years ago and I do not know exactly who it came from. It has helped me as a servant of the Lord and I know it will help you too! Feel free to share this post with everyone you know. It does not matter if they are a spiritual leader or not. This is a must read for every follower of Christ.


#1 What Is A Clear Conscience?

Definition – The ability to honestly say that there is no one on this earth that I have ever wronged, offended, or hurt in any way and not gone back and attempted to make it right.

#2 What Are Common Consequences Of Not Forgiving?

  • Physical Destruction – Not forgiving someone and/or having a guilty conscience can lead to physical illness and even suicide!
  • Emotion Depression – Though there are authentic medical conditions requiring drugs to regulate the issue, it is my opinion that many people, far more than will admit, simply need to get right and make things right. If they did, then their emotional stress would probably end or be extremely minimized!
  • Mental Dungeon – Unforgiveness leads to bitterness.. which can put you into a jail cell to which you have the only key to exit. Most will not make use of the key!
  • Spiritual Defeat -
    • Can’t Love God – 1 John 4:20-21
    • Doubt Salvation – Matthew 6:12 & Matthew 6:14
    • Stumbling Block – Romans 14:3
    • Curses family – Deuteronomy 5:9

#3 What Are Some Signs People, Often Exhibit, Who Have An Unclear Conscience?

  • Nervousness
  • No Power in their Witnessing for Jesus Christ
  • Judgmental Attitudes
  • Unable to Concentrate
  • Small Circle of Friends
  • Lack of Joy
  • Depression… Fatigue
  • Self Condemnation
  • Fears
  • Active at Church but Neglects Other Things
  • Always Defensive

#4 What Are Common Excuses Satan Promotes To Those Who Have An Unclear Conscience?

  • “It happened a long time ago!”
  • “They moved away!”
  • “It was so small!”
  • “I’m too sensitive!”
  • “After all… nobody’s perfect!”
  • “It Involves money!”
  • “They won’t understand!”
  • “I’ll do it later!”

#5 What Are Some Steps To Solving Conflicts And Making Restitution?

I. Solving Conflicts:

  1. List those with whom you have a conflict.
  2. List your offenses: “How Have I Hurt Them?”
  3. List their offenses: “How Have I Been Hurt?”

II. Guideline:

  1. Scope of your confession should be as large, but only as large as the scope of your transgression.
  2. Avoid shameful details.

III. How Should I Do It?

  1. Go to the one offended.
  2. Clear Wording: “I was wrong in (NAME OFFENSE). I am sorry. Will you forgive me?”


I hope this post will help you deal with conflicts in your life. It is better to deal with something than to let it worsen over time. May God use this material to help you make restitution and have a CLEAR CONSCIENCE!

662713: Tozer Speaks: 128 Compelling & Authoritative Teachings, 2 Volumes Tozer Speaks: 128 Compelling & Authoritative Teachings, 2 Volumes
By A.W. Tozer / Wingspread Publishers

In this two volume set you receive 128 compelling and authoritative teachings by one of America’s most beloved preachers. A.W. Tozer’s sharp and incisive style may startle some readers, but what is to be gained from his wisdom and exposition of Scripture is immeasurable. Tozer Speaks includes well over one hundred sermons including:

  • 50 Selections from his pulpit ministry
  • 10 Messages on the Holy Spirit
  • 10 Sermons on the Gospel of John
  • 12 Essays on Spiritual Perfection
  • 12 Sermons on 1 Peter
  • 12 Sermons on Well Known and Favorit Biblical Texts
  • 12 Sermons on the Life & Ministry of the Christian Church
  • 10 Sermons of the Voice of God Calling Man
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Heart To Heart With Pastor Ed Bowen – #10

Pastor Ed Bowen was saved on March 24, 1957 at a revival meeting at Horse Branch Church in Turbeville, S.C. at the age of 23. Brother Bowen has been married to his wife, Margaret, for over 54 years. After being ordained in 1960, Pastor Bowen went on to preach in various places until he became pastor of Cherryvale Baptist. Having been there for over 43 years, in 2000, he had to slow down a bit due to prostate cancer.

Though unable to do what he used to do, Pastor Ed has just changed venues. For over ten years now, he has been encouraging people via email. He has graciously agreed to be a contributing author to this website. This series of posts entitled, “Heart To Heart” are the fruit of his times with our Lord Jesus! If they mean as much to you as they do me, then EMAIL him and let him know about it!

The Love Of Money

(1 Timothy 6:8-10) “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”  (KJV)

The most common form of the sin of covetousness is the love of money or things. The lusting after more and more material riches. This is described by the Apostle Paul in the Word of God, as those “that would be rich.” So, one does not necessarily have to possess much to be covetous and love money. A person could have a small bank account or no bank account at all, and still love money.

The evidence of this inordinate desire for money is shown by the getting, the keeping and the spending of it. In getting it, one may have such an obsessive desire for attaining wealth that it becomes his dominating passion and greed possesses his heart. There is also a miserly attitude which causes a person to cling to money like a drowning man to a log. He hoards it despite the needs of others and the cause of Christ. Then, there are those who are called spendthrifts. They get money only to spend it on their lustful appetites.

There is a prudence to thrift and a blessing in generosity, if each is directed by the Lord. There is also an honorable dedication to diligence and dutiful labor. The rich fool (Luke 12) was not foolish because he was idle. He was a fool because he was not rich toward God. He did not acknowledge the source of his blessings. Let us never be such a fool!

Ed Bowen


It is so easy to be deceived by money and it’s glitter! Many a devout Christian has been brought under it’s power and ground to powder. May everyone who reads this post be sure to keep their heart right with God and their motives righteous as it pertains to money and materialism!

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By W.E. Vine / Thomas Nelson

This convenient one volume combines Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words and Unger and White’s Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament. This book allows you to easily access the alphabetized English equivalents of the Greek or Hebrew words from which they are translated. Throughout the text the most significant biblical words are illustrated by Scripture passages, comments, cross-references, ancient and modern meanings, precise etymologies, historical notes, and clearly defined technical information. Each original language is indexed, and the addition of a topical index allows you to access all the dictionary entries pertinent to specific New Testament ideas and teachings.Keyed to Strong’s.

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