About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

9 Components To Godly Preaching Which Every Pastor Should Utilize

In an effort to become a better preacher of God’s Word, many pastors seek to sharpen their axe on a regular basis. Many books, magazines, pamphlets, articles, and blog posts have been originated to help the man of God to become a more proficient proclaimer of the Book of the Ages.

The serious pastor will seek to improve his abilities by availing himself of these great tools. This ambassador of Jesus Christ is also keenly aware that no matter how much he hones his skills, he is still in great need of the Holy Spirit’s power to accomplish anything of eternal value or significance!

This post seeks to point out 9 important components that godly preaching will exhibit. As these earmarks are mentioned, one will agree that they are essential to incorporate into the pastor’s delivery of the eternal truths found in God’s infallible Word.

9 Components To Godly Preaching Which Every Pastor Should Utilize!

#1 – Bible Preaching Should Be Based Upon The Word Of God!

(2 Corinthians 2:17) “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”  (KJV)

(2 Corinthians 4:2) “But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”  (KJV)

(2 Timothy 4:2) “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”  (KJV)

It is amazing what is deemed “Bible” preaching these days. A jury would have a hard time convicting some men of preaching the Bible because there is so little of it used in their message/sermon.

#2 – Bible Preaching Should Expound God’s Mighty Works Including The Salvation Of Repentant Sinners!

(Acts 20:20-21) “And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”  (KJV)

(Romans 10:14-15) “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”  (KJV)

While some preaching is directed towards the believer for their edification, every message needs to provide a “gangplank” for sinners to get aboard the ole ship of Zion!

#3 – Bible Preaching Should Encourage A Personal Encounter With Jesus Christ Through The Word Of God!

(1 John 1:4-10) “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”  (KJV)

Preaching must push people towards a closer walk with Jesus Christ. To do otherwise is a complete waste of everyone’s time!

#4 – Bible Preaching Should Teach And Instruct!

(2 Timothy 3:16-17) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”  (KJV)

Whenever the Word of God is preached it will be spiritual meat for the belly of of the saint. It is easier digested when it is served in proper portions. This is where good preaching comes in.

#5 – Bible Preaching Should Be Sustaining And Life Giving!

(Acts 4:13) “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”  (KJV)

The most important event, each and every week, is the message being heralded forth in the hamlets that dot the globe. This message should be something spiritual enough to sustain someone for the week to come. It should have such an effect as to be REMEMBERED!

#6 – Bible Preaching Should Stir The Seat Of Emotions!

(Luke 24:32) “And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?”  (KJV)

Those men on the Emmaus road heard Jesus preach the Old Testament prophesies concerning the Messiah… HIMSELF! It stirred their heart! God made us EMOTIONAL beings. Preaching should not be stale as month old bread. It should be warm, tasty and filling! Good preaching will stir us to action!

#7 – Bible Preaching Should Proclaim God’s Judgment Along With All Other Doctrines!

(Acts 20:26-27) “Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.”  (KJV)

Paul preached it ALL! Some only want to preach the pleasant things and refrain, ignore, and forget about weightier matters. We have to spell out God’s wrath and judgment when needed!

#8 – Bible Preaching Should Aim For A Clear Decision!

(Joshua 24:15) “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”  (KJV)

As Joshua of old times, we must make it plain and easily understood. People need to make a decision when confronted with God’s truth!

#9 – Bible Preaching Should Trumpet A Call To Action!

(Jeremiah 7:3) “Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.”  (KJV)

(Jeremiah 26:13) “Therefore now amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you.”  (KJV)

Good preaching will call for a clear and distinct decision. Not to do so, blurs the message and can leave someone confused.


As you can surmise in this post, good Bible preaching involves quite a bit of forethought, prayer and Bible study. The most important thing is the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit! These 9 essential components should not be overlooked when preparing and preaching God’s Holy Word!

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838309: The Preacher and His Preaching The Preacher and His Preaching

By A.P. Gibbs / ECS Ministries

This present books brings Gibb’s encyclopedic knowledge of the subject within our reach. Gibb’s seriousness, thoroughness, energy, and urgency breath from this book. First entitled A Primer on Preaching, as Gibbs matured so his study of the sacred art of preaching grew. His final edition was completed just months before his sudden homecall in an auto accident enroute to Hamilton, Ontario, for a two week series of Gospel meetings.

Pastor, Have You Heard About Missionary Jim Roberts

It is with great pleasure that we introduce a great missionary couple to you… The Roberts Family! Jim and Autumn Roberts are going to Scotland to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Currently, they are involved in their pre-field work, of deputation, raising monthly prayer and financial support. This family has been sent out by Mile Creek Baptist Church of Six Mile, South Carolina and are serving with Macedonia World Baptist Missions of Braselton, Georgia.

Current Status On Deputation…

A Personal Note:

“We are excited that God would count us worthy to serve Him. We have just recently heard of 6 new supporters and we thank God for these new partners. We have been in a total of 70 meetings since we began deputation in July. We are currently at around 20% of our support and looking forward to see what God has in store. Please continue to pray for us as we also have 15 meetings this November.”

Experience and Training…


I Graduated from Tabernacle Baptist Bible College in Greenville, SC in May of 2010 with a Theological degree.


I have been blessed to have many opportunities to serve the Lord since Salvation and the call to the Mission field.


While in Bible College I preached in a boys home and rest home every Sunday. I also preached in a local Jail once a month. These opportunities taught me to study the Word of God and gave me a great chance to see God transform lives through salvation.


I was privileged to work with a missionary in Maine for 2 and a half years while in the Navy where I received valuable on the field training in cultural differences and how to start a church. The lessons learned here have helped me greatly see the does and don’ts of missionary service.


I also was the youth choir director and assistant Teen class teacher and am currently working with young men for further service for Christ in life on life discipleship.

Statistics About Scotland…

• Population- 5,168,000

Glasgow – 581,320

Edinburgh – 454,280

Aberdeen – 183,030

Dundee – 142,070

Inverness – 72,745

Stirling – 33,710

• Religions

Church of Scotland – 42 %

No Religion- 27.5 %

Roman Catholic – 15.9 %

Only 5 % of the population attend any church on any given Sunday.

A Little Info About Jim…

My parents were missionaries in Scotland for eight years until1988, where I was born. I was privileged to have parents who loved the Lord and did their best to teach me about the things of God. However, I rebelled against those things which I had been taught.

In high school, I played sports and excelled in football. I had several chances to play collegiate football, yet the Lord in his sovereignty took the joy out of football for me. In trying to seek happiness and peace in my life, I soon became a drunk and drug abuser. In one last attempt to fill the void in my heart, I joined the military in 2002 where I spent 5 years of honorable service in the Navy.

At the age of 21, On May 25, 2003, while in the military, on a Sunday night in the parsonage of Mile Creek Baptist Church, I accepted Christ as my Savior. Then I finally found what I had been missing and searching for, for so long . Two years later on March 19 God called me to preach and in a missions conference in the same year God called me to the mission field, in which he burdened my heart for “my people” in Scotland.

I feel unworthy, yet thankful, for the opportunity to repay God for what He has done for me, by allowing me to serve Him.

A Little Info About Autumn…

I am blessed to have been saved at the age of 7 in Vacation Bible School at my home church. I have always had a tender heart towards missions and am thankful that the Lord allowed me to marry a man that has the same desires. I attended a local Christian College and have been teaching 2nd grade at a Christian school in South Carolina.

Jim and I were married in 2004 where we lived in Maine and Virginia due to the military. This was a time for the Lord to prepare us for the Mission field as we had to depend only on the Lord and each other. In 2005 Elijah was born which was a great addition to our family. After getting out of the Navy, we moved back to South Carolina where I was able to be “planted” in our home church and grow more spiritually in the Lord. In 2009 the Lord blessed us with Ali Grace, who brought so much joy into our lives.

After much prayer, Jim and I feel the Lord has called us to Scotland to share His word with those who are lost. God is so gracious to allow me to serve Him in this way. My prayer is that He may receive not just glory, but unusual and great glory through my life.

Important Links:

Statement Of Faith

Ministry Strategy For Scotland

Home Church Website

Mission Board Website

Roberts Family Ministry Website


Here at The Working Pastor, we believe in missions! I heartily recommend this family to you for your prayer and financial support! You can contact this fine brother at 864-506-5208 or email him: [email protected]

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838309: The Preacher and His Preaching The Preacher and His Preaching

By A.P. Gibbs / ECS Ministries

This present books brings Gibb’s encyclopedic knowledge of the subject within our reach. Gibb’s seriousness, thoroughness, energy, and urgency breath from this book. First entitled A Primer on Preaching, as Gibbs matured so his study of the sacred art of preaching grew. His final edition was completed just months before his sudden homecall in an auto accident enroute to Hamilton, Ontario, for a two week series of Gospel meetings.

What Goes Around, Comes Around | Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare

There is an old saying where I grew up that went something like this, “What goes around, comes around!” Not only was that true in my life as a teenager, but also into adulthood. Hard lessons have been learned from this great axiom. When contemplating the subject of criticism, we find that nothing changes. In fact, this maxim’s accuracy is correct 100% of the time! Let us go a little further below the surface….


Note Our Previous Posts In This Series:

Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare | Introduction
Thankfulness For Those Who Criticized You
Criticism – A Gift From God
An Important, Self Examining Question
Examining The Sting Of Criticism
Assumptions On Our Part
Sinful Responses To Criticism.


General Bible Principle…
In Hosea 8:7, we find a phrase where this philosophy of “what goes around, comes around” could have been derived. Speaking of judgment upon Israel, Hosea remarks about the fruits of their unrighteousness coming home. The Apostle Paul spoke about this same idea in Galatians 6:7-9. We reap what we sow! The fact of the matter is that whatever we do in life, good or bad, will have consequences.

Though many verses of Scripture can be used to form a foundation for this idea, no other biblical event depicts this more than Haman and the Jews. You can find out more about this event by reading the Old Testament book of Esther, if you are not familiar with it. In this Biblical record, you will find a man who criticized, demonized, and sought the destruction of Mordecai, a Jew. He actually had gallows built so he could hang Mordecai! In spite of his best efforts, Haman was the poor soul who was put to death by those gallows.

From My Own Experience…

Growing up in a perpetual set of difficult circumstances, I was very prone to share my “mind” about others… without the least bit of reservation. Though very much a fault, it has taught me many valuable lessons. One of which is that I best be careful about pointing out fault in the lives of others. Grandma had a saying that we should sweep around our own door before doing so around someone else’s! I think she was very wise!

I do not have a shortage of personal stories of where I put my foot in my mouth, and did exactly what I accused others of doing. I have spoken very harshly about someone and they immediately performed a good deed for me… putting me to open shame! I share this in brevity to make it absolutely clear, no matter who we are, people are susceptible to criticize others and reap the consequences of their actions!

Encouragement For Today…

Knowing that criticism can be very helpful, no matter the motivating purpose behind it, God will see to it that right prevails in His timing. Mordecai had a rough time with Haman, but God worked things out. In my arrogance and stupidity, I have made many critical mistakes; harshly criticizing other people. I have reaped, am reaping, and will continue to reap from these awful seeds I have sown. I know that other people who have done the same to me will endure the judgment of God as well.
ConclusionMake no mistake about this, God knows what is going on. Never is there a word spoken that He does not hear. Take courage in the Lord when you are insulted, defamed, demonized, and criticized. God will take care of your reputation. Learn what you can from the friend of criticism and move on!

Look For Our Last Post In This Series: The Danger Of Over-Reacting! Coming soon…

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