About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Looking For Higher Ground

This outline seeks to encourage a life of continued faith from a popular New Testament example. Jesus weeps as a result of the lack of faith on the part of those present. May each of us walk on by faith, trust God completely, and continue looking for higher ground!

Title: “Looking For Higher Ground!”

Text: John 11:35

(John 11:35) “Jesus wept.” (KJV)


• The shortest verse in our English Bibles is here!
• Many throughout the ages have misunderstood, I believe, why Jesus wept here with Mary & Martha along with the public mourners.
• Jesus wept because of their lack of faith. It was not because they had no faith, but it was their lack of faith!
• They had faith that Jesus could have healed Lazarus of his sickness, or in the very least, have kept him from dying for a while.
• They did not, however, have faith that Jesus could raise him from the dead.
• Why?
• Well, they are no different than you or I. We take the notion sometimes that God can do anything, but only up until certain things take place. After that, things are hopeless.
• Practicality, reason, and previous experiences will rob you and of faith, if we are not careful.
• Each, as individuals, can be useful. Practicality, for example, is good and helpful, but when it is taken to an extreme, it can be our undoing. Likewise, reason, is helpful to a point. Common Sense cannot explain many things the Bible declares to be true! Finally, our previous experiences can be helpful, but if we interpret all our present circumstances in light of previous indicators, then we will not grow in our faith.
• Faith seeks higher ground! It seeks out new ground. Instead of a well worn path, Faith adventures into the land uncut. Into virgin ground, Faith plods on!

Proposition: There are three things that affected Mary & Martha’s faith, in these verses, that we often are affected by that we should look at this morning.

I. The Timetable Affected Their Faith!

A. They longed for Jesus to show up before Lazarus died!

B. I’m sure they prayed and depend upon God to show up in their time of need!

C. I’m sure Lazarus longed to be in the presence of God, but I am equally sure that he probably wanted to live on. He, most likely, desired the company of Jesus!

D. Days go by, hours go by, minutes go by, seconds go by, and Jesus has not shown up.

E. Death seizes Lazarus, time is up! Or is it?

F. With God all things are possible! God has His own timetable that is different from ours. Sometimes He is present before things get real bad, and sometimes it is in the ashes, like Job, that He shows up!

G. God’s timetable is not like the Railroad timetable!

H. When we put God in a timetable, we will, more than likely, see our faith weakened!

II. The Disappointment Of Death Affected Their Faith!

A. They now have unmet expectations, and they are very hurt!

B. When Jesus does show up, they do not have an expectant joy that now He is here to work, but they get somewhat cynical!

C. “If thou hadst been here, my brother had not died” was their remark. Notice it wasn’t, “Thank God, now you are here”, nor was it, “Now that you are here, will you please raise up Lazarus, if it be your will.”

D. Disappointment often erodes our faith to where we are not proactive, but reactionary.

E. When God does work, we are shocked! We are surprised because we were not expecting God to do what we desired!

F. When we have unmet desires in our lives, and they are not selfish, and sinful, we must not give up in our praying for them!

G. We must persevere and hold on, trusting God to have His will done in His own timetable!

H. Seeming disappointments can be: a Red Sea crossing, like getting water from the Rock, and like gaining a victory as in the walls of Jericho falling!

III. The Mourners Affected Their Faith!

A. It was enough that God’s timetable was not set to theirs, and that they were tremendously disappointed by the death of their brother to the extent that their hopes are dashed!

B. What is ten times worse is the mourners that wailed in the ears of Mary & Martha!

C. You can be sure that if you listen to the flesh, mourners will come to your aid!

D. I am not speaking in terms of people comforting us (Because we need to comfort one another!), but when we avail ourselves of those who will sympathize with us and not contend with us for the truth we are sure to sink in the quagmire of self-pity and defeat!

E. Be sure that there will always be mourners for your cause, and your agenda. This is not always bad, but we should not let our faith be weakened by the words of others!

F. We should honestly edify one another, no matter how hard it hurts, but we do it from the right spirit and attitude!

G. Jesus saw the mourners and heard them, and I think this group is probably what set Jesus off, if I could use that phrase!

H. This group attached to Mary & Martha, only served to illustrate the nursing of their lack of faith!

I. Jesus wept because he saw the extent of their defeat!


• We should walk on by faith for “Higher Ground” no matter what the circumstance!
• Realize that faith is built and nurtured through situations just like what has been depicted today!
• I conclude with a poem:

Higher Ground!

Faith is not content to sit idle by while days roll on, while dawn burns off and sunset dries up in the night;
No…Faith is working for Higher Ground!

Faith is not content to rest beside the fading memory of past glories, beside the battlefields of yesteryear;
No…Faith is resting in the smoky meadow of a conquered Higher Ground!

Faith is not content to travel on the well worn path through the rough timberland and the harsh, rocky precipice;
No…Faith seeks a path untrod through the virgin land of Higher Ground!

Faith is not content for ease of task and mind nor for the lightness of burden or pain;
No…Faith lives on and is invigorated by the person of self-denial surging for Higher Ground!

Faith says, “Give me an axe, I’ll lay it at the root!” Faith says, “Give me a torch, I’ll light a path for others to follow!”;
Yes, Faith says, “I’m headed for Higher Ground!”

To The Sinner:

• If you can believe that God can do anything at all, then why don’t you trust Him with your sin and your soul today?

Pastor, Have You Heard About James Ruckman

While seeking to comfort a hurting missionary family at a hospital in Bismarck, North Dakota in the Summer of 2003, I met James Ruckman for the first time. James and I both knew this family and he was there to be an encouragement too. Over the years I have grown to appreciate this dear brother, his family, and his church family.

When I think of James Ruckman, his wife, Angie, and his three sons, the term “faithful” comes to mind. I asked James to submit some information to post on this website so our readers can learn more about him and the ministry God has graciously given to them. I appreciate James’ willingness to share his story with us.

Their Testimony…

“My name is James Ruckman. My wife’s name is Angie, and we have three boys: Jimmy, Jesse, and Micaiah. I was born in Chambersburg, PA. and was raised in a Christian home. My dad began pastoring in Maryland when I was 14 years old. Though I was raised in a Christian home, I did not get saved until I was 17.

My wife, Angie was also raised in a Christian home. She got saved at the age of four, and made sure of her salvation at the age of 22. Her dad went into the ministry and planted a church in South Dakota when she was 15. Angie and I met at Tabernacle Baptist Bible College in Greenville, SC.”

Their Calling…

“During my time at Tabernacle, the Lord used Romans 15:20 in my life to call me specifically to start a church in a town that did not have a gospel preaching church. At that time, I thought every town in America had a New Testament church. Through a series of Providential events, the Lord showed me the great need in the American West for gospel preaching churches.

In November of 1993, I took a survey trip to South Dakota to meet with Angie’s family and see the churches that her dad had started in Selby and in Mobridge. “Mine eye affected my heart.” In January of 1994, I moved to South Dakota to work under the ministry of Angie’s dad (Pastor David Warner). Six months later, Angie and I were married. The Lord provided me with a job working at a cheese factory in a little Roman Catholic town called Hoven.

For three years, I prayed day and night for God to show me exactly where He wanted me to go. Little did I know that God already had me working in the town where He wanted me to plant a church. One day, I set about asking all 30 people that I worked with if they could tell me how to get to Heaven from Hoven. I got 30 different answers!!! That was the specific time when God showed me that He had already placed me in the town where He wanted a church started.”

The Early Years…

“In February of 1998, we went on deputation. In 13 months God provided our support. On May 2, 1999, we held our first services in the American Legion Hall in Hoven. Within a month, a lady that I had worked with at the factory got saved and began coming regularly. Three months later, her husband trusted Christ as well. The Lord had allowed me the privilege to lead my cousin to the Lord years before, and his family moved to South Dakota and helped us organize the Glory Bound Baptist Church.

Right from the beginning, there was great opposition to the work. From hecklers standing outside of the Legion Hall and making lewd comments to an individual trying to run us off the road, we found out that Hoven wasn’t waiting and praying for a church to be started, but God was in it. After two years, we were able to purchase land and build a 30’ by 50’ building. God continued to save a few souls here and there and add them to the church.”

In Spite Of The Obstacles…

“When we started Glory Bound, we had one son, Jimmy. In 2000, our second son, Jesse was born; and one year later God gave us our third son, Micaiah. Living for God is not without Satanic opposition. Over the last eleven years, we have had a total of 20 surgeries between Micaiah, Angie, and myself.  Micaiah has been airlifted three times to the Mayo Clinic and has been on the verge of life and death several times. We were advised by the physicians in 2007 to leave Hoven and move within 20 minutes of a major medical facility. He has had a total of ten surgeries, most of them involving his brain. He now has two shunts.

In June of 2007, I had to have my colon removed and was given a permanent ileostomy (in other words, I wear a bag). Since then I have had seven more surgeries due to complications (adhesions, incisional hernias, and infection). But what Satan meant for evil, God allowed for good. It was through these health problems that God broke the hearts of many people in town towards our family and our church. That doesn’t mean they’ve all got saved, but I can knock on just about any door in Hoven and be welcomed in and sit down and share the gospel with these dear folks.”

Some Highlights…

“From 2000-2008, we held between 2 and 7 tent meetings every year throughout the Dakotas and Nebraska, even going as far as Alabama. Our tent had to be retired two years ago, and we’re praying for a new one.

In 2005, we started building a new church building (50’ by 86’). We’re still working on that project. We’ve got the building dried in, interior walls framed, and  the electric and plumbing run. In 2008, we applied for and were granted a construction permit by the FCC to construct a full service radio station (88.3 KCFE). Our deadline to have the station constructed is January 7, 2012. Would you help us pray about these needs? We are also pursuing a printing ministry as God opens the door.”

Yet, There Is Much More Work To Be Done…

“While we have seen several individuals come to know Jesus Christ over the last eleven years, there are so many more that still need to get saved. I believe that where there is no vision the people perish. Would you pray that God would bring strong conviction to this Catholic town, and that they would trust in Christ ALONE for their salvation? Our best days still lie ahead of us, and we are still asking that God would glorify His name through the salvation of many more souls here in Hoven and across the Dakotas.”

Important Links…




I consider it an honor to share James Ruckman’s story with you. Please keep this dear missionary family in your prayers and thoughts. It would mean a lot to me if you would email him and let him know that you read this post! Share some encouraging remarks. You never know what “one” word will do sometimes.

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13 Reminders For Missionaries Calling Pastors

Pastor Andrew SchankGod has allowed me to pastor for several years before getting into church planting. In those fields of labor I have heard many complaints about missionaries from the pastor’s point of view. I thought I would air some so missionaries can be reminded of them in days to come. If anyone has any suggestions, then please let me know of them. Please take this with the spirit in which it is intended! Continue reading

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