About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

The Comfort Of The Shepherd’s Rod

Evangelist David Smallwood

This is an outsourced post from Evangelist David Smallwood.

Brother Smallwood’s Bio:

Since June of 1993, David Smallwood has traveled throughout the United States conducting various revival campaigns and conferences. David and his wife Kristen have been married since November of 1995 and have two children: a daughter (Grace) and a son (Stephen). Brother Smallwood’s Personal Blog is a tool that is used to publish various devotionals and articles written by Brother Smallwood on a wide range of issues.

Psalm 23:4, “Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”

It’s an unusual phrase for many of us, but it’s one of great significance! In David’s day, the “rod” and “staff” were common components of the attire worn by shepherds, and thus, for the psalmist, it was quite natural to speak of these instruments when penning “The Shepherd Psalm”. But in this context, what makes this phrase so striking is the fact that the psalmist is not merely describing a middle-eastern shepherd; instead, he is speaking of and focusing upon the Master Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The “sheep of his pasture” are not common animals or literal sheep, but rather, they are “His people” (Psalm 100:3). The “pasture” in which He feeds us and the “paths” upon which He leads us are all spiritual symbolisms which convey the measure of His wonderful provisions for us. And so it is with the “rod” and “staff” as well, for they too are symbolic of the spiritual workings of Christ, our Great Shepherd, in our daily Christian life and experience. So the question is how are they so?

As we stated, the “rod” and “staff” were an integral part of shepherding in David’s time. Because of their importance, the shepherds of that day would have taken the time to select and to shape each one of these instruments themselves. These “tools of the trade” were so vital that each piece must be carefully chosen and meticulously crafted in order to sufficiently serve their purpose in the shepherd’s work. As you look at the historical customs of David’s time, you will find that both the “rod” and the “staff” were fashioned by using the wood from a young sapling tree. The “rod”, in particular, was designed by taking the sapling up by the roots and then cutting away those roots from the broader base to leave a knob. Then, the shepherd would cut away the other end of the sapling to shorten the length of the “rod”. He would then begin to whittle the whole piece of wood down to an acceptable weight so that he could use it like a club.

Once the design of the shepherd’s “rod”, with its thick, rounded, knob-like end, and its shorter and slightly more bulky frame was completed, it was used mainly as a means of defending the flock from the many lurking predators, such as wolves, lions, bears, and even thieves and robbers, that were always about, seeking to make prey of the defenseless sheep. The “rod” was used as a weapon to fight against these foes and to stave off an attack against the flock. The shepherds of David’s time would also have been very proficient at throwing the “rod” at an intended target with great accuracy and swiftness. This method was used for things such as serpents, in order to kill them or frighten them away. But in each one of these things, we see a prevailing theme and a particular truth. To put it simply, the main objective served by the “rod” was to defend the sheep of the flock from every external enemy that was seeking an occasion to harm or devour the sheep.

Oh how very actual the analogy that is set before us by the teaching of this truth! Oh how very perfect the picture that the psalmist has painted with these words! You see, we, like literal sheep, are ever the hunted prey of Satan, who, “like a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8)! We, as part of the fold of God, are ever the target of “The thief”, which Christ said, “cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10)! And we, like those helpless little lambs of the literal folds and literal pastures, are incompetent, incapable, and impotent to wield our own defense! What have we in our pathetic and powerless selves to provide ample protection against such a formidable foe? What inherent weapon is in our personal arsenal that would be a match for the one who has at his disposal the ability to use, “power, and signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9), and who, by these wicked weapons, “deceiveth the whole world” (Revelation 12:9)? Indeed, there is nothing that we can do in the power of our fragile flesh to defeat these, “principalities…powers…rulers of the darkness of this world…spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12)! In our own strength, we are utterly helpless, and if we lean on our own strength, we will be ultimately defeated!

Ah, but isn’t that exactly the point? You see, though the necessity of the shepherd’s “rod” illustrates the ever present dangers which are always about the sheep, yet still, David is able to say, “I have ‘comfort’, even ‘in the presence of mine enemies’!” How could the psalmist find such a sweet peace of mind, while ever present dangers were lurking in the shadows of “the valley”? How is it possible that his soul could find a solace though he knew that “principalities” and “powers” were seeking to “devour” him as a helpless sheep? How could he enjoy the calm of inward consolation while feeding from a “table” that was prepared for him “in the presence of…enemies”? The answer is simple, dear friend! He had found this complete consolation, this sweet solace, this peace of mind; because he knew he could implicitly trust the care of The Great Shepherd! Don’t you see it? It is not the pathetic power of self-reliance that he trusts, for he plainly asserts that his hope and help, his solace and strength, his peace and power, his defense and deliverance are solely and wholly found in Christ! “THY rod and THY staff THEY comfort me”, that’s the consolation of his claim!

And what of us beloved, what is the source of our solace? What is the claim of our consolation? Can we, like the psalmist, stand confidently in the face of our foes and say that in our Great Shepherd we have found “comfort”, even though these enemies seek our harm? Do we trust foolishly in the strength of our flesh to face the daily fight, or have we yet learned that without Christ we have no hope of survival? You see, whether we are wandering aimlessly about, or whether we be safely secured in the sheep-fold, we are always incapable of caring for ourselves! Our efforts in every endeavor are always impotent and ineffectual, but it is especially so when we face the subtleties of Satan! Against his deceptions, our faith in self is fully futile! Like sheep, we are both incompetent and incapable; we are absolutely insufficient and wholly inadequate to guide or guard our own lives against the tactics of the tempter! Apart from the Shepherd, we are utterly helpless and completely defenseless in ourselves to deal with the devil! And yet, though these things are true, we may still, like David, enjoy sweet consolation and “comfort” in the indwelling Christ! Our sweet peace is found in knowing that “Ye are of God, little children, and HAVE OVERCOME THEM: because GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU, THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD” (1 John 4:4)!

Oh that we might comprehend the fullness of our frailty and the magnitude of His might! For it is only by the “rod” of Christ’s strength that we have a defense against the dangers of the enemies that seek our destruction! David acknowledged this truth, even as those that sought to “trouble” him were “increased” (Psalm 3:1). He declared, “But though, O Lord, art a shield for me” (Psalm 3:3)! Oh that we might learn, with David, to find our hiding place in God! Oh that our hearts might completely grasp what it is to “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10)! It is not a greater self-confidence or a deeper self-reliance that we need, but rather, it is a total dependence on Christ, our Great Shepherd!

You see, though we may be insufficient for the fight, and though we may be powerless against the foe, yet we find in such frailty the ultimate source of that sweet consolation which compelled David to declare “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”! It is there, in the realization of the feebleness of our flesh, that we first begin to learn the true delight of depending on God; and it is there alone, at the end of all self-reliance, that we may truly begin to experience the essence of Christ’s claim that His “strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9)! Oh that we might flee that misguided faith which looks to self instead of the Shepherd! Oh that we might with Paul make this to be our personal plea, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but ours sufficiency is of God” (2 Corinthians 3:5)! May the declaration of our dependence, may our battle-cry in the conflict, may our song in the struggle ever be, “My defence is of God, which saveth the upright of heart” (Psalm 7:10)!


Can You Share A Vulnerable Time Where You Have Come To Illustrate This Passage?

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Pastor, Are You Leaving Fingerprints Or Footprints

Recently, I was conversing with a fellow missionary about ministry philosophy. At one point in the conversation, I shared a principle, that I read somewhere, about leaving fingerprints or footprints.

It has long been stated that missionaries in a foreign field must be sure to leave only their footprints behind when they leave the field. For example, if an American goes to Peru endeavoring to start a church, then, when he leaves, there should be a Peruvian church there; not an American one. The issue being that the missionary should leave footprints not fingerprints. Understanding the difference in the two can mean everything to a long term, productive ministry.

In general observation of pastors and missionaries that I have known, read about, or were told about in the last 18 years have led me to come to a few conclusions concerning this subject.

(Romans 10:15) “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”  (KJV)


#1 We Face A Dilemma…

Each day that we lead our congregations, we have to decide if we are going to leave fingerprints or footprints? Leaving fingerprints reveals that the pastor is too involved and things will collapse in his absence. (I wonder if this is what some guys do… creating a dependence upon themselves in the hopes of keeping their position? Just a thought!) On the other hand, leaving footprints reveals the leadership of a pastor. He has LED his congregation. People have gotten involved, and, when he is gone, things continue without fail! People are the very ones who we are supposed to be training! If we, as pastors and spiritual leaders, do EVERYTHING, then we are doing an injustice to the very individuals we are called to help. Basically, it is counterproductive!

It is my personal opinion, after learning this the hard way, that it is better have less with the congregation’s respect, than to have more without their respect. If the congregation of believers are not behind you, then bullying something through will never work IN THE LONG TERM!  Happy is the pastor who learns this! Think about it… you are not always going to be there. The man who follows you will have to rub out your fingerprints before he can leave his footprints! The ministry is NOT about we who pastor, but the God of Heaven and His church!

#2 There Is A Problem That Few Recognize…

I see that many pastors tend to have a “pastor” centered ministry rather than a “Christ” centered ministry. Please understand that many pastors do not realize they do this, though it can be rather obvious on the outside looking in. This situation tends to occur under leadership conditions where it is always about what the pastor wants… at all costs! This is also commonplace where the pastor or missionary has a charismatic personality and can sway people rather easily. In these two types of situations, you find that pastors have their hands in EVERYTHING! It is their way no matter what! Yes, I do believe in oversight, but oversight does not require one to leave FINGERPRINTS on it all.When things tend to center around the pastor, then you might have a problem?

It is also common to see this where a congregation is not on board with the pastor’s vision and philosophy of ministry. Maybe there is a new pastor and he wants to reach out and see some growth. The congregation, however, has “seen this before” and is no longer obliged to get involved. In this scenario, it is quite common to view a pastor doing just about everything and nobody is helping much at all. Rather than leading the congregation, the pastor IS the congregation. When this guy leaves the pastorate, more than likely, fingerprints will be the only thing left behind. It will be harder for the next guy, and, what was accomplished in the short term, will fizzle out! This is due to the congregation’s apathy, but also the pastor’s inability to lead the congregation. A sad situation, no matter how you look at it.

#3 Future Rewards Can Be In Jeopardy…

As a missionary or pastor, you will leave fingerprints, footprints, or both! Sometimes we sacrifice the long term benefits and rewards of ministry on the altar of immediate gratification. It is never appropriate to do this, but we feel that we must do it regardless of the consequences sometimes. God has called us to lead, not be God. Our Heavenly Father knows, all too well, about the people He sent us to lead in the first place. Don’t you think He knows what we are up against?

There is a fine line between strong leadership founded upon the Biblical precept of faith, and presumptuous, pompous, directives birthed from man’s intuitions and inclinations. God will reward our faithfulness, not our accomplishments necessarily. Whether or not we were able to push a particular pet project through a business meeting, as important and as vital as we think it to be, is not the most important thing!

Doing God’s will, in God’s way, in God’s timing is what is important! Sometimes we do the will of God without actually accomplishing what He wanted us to do… if that makes sense? People shut things down, but God sees that. He gave them an opportunity, and they chose to leave it… though leadership was obedient. God will reward us for our labors, no doubt! We would do well to simply follow Him in child like faith and love for He will bless us for being faithful. Most of all, we will have more rewards for leaving only our footprints behind us!

(Galatians 6:7-9) “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  (KJV)


Friend, I hesitated to post this article, but felt that I must. Please take these thoughts in the spirit in which they are intended. I know that I opened a can of worms which nobody wants to deal with. But should not we address this before, like cancer, it spreads beyond hope of repair? No doubt, many people who read this post will disagree, but that is okay. I am still your friend. We can agree to disagree… agreeably! I would be delighted if you would leave a comment below pertaining to your thoughts on this sensitive issue!

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Consider purchasing the following:

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  • 50 Selections from his pulpit ministry
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The Cover Up

In our society today, we love a good cover up. A mystery seems to grab our attention, no matter how flaky it might be. However, the cover up described in the gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is still alive and well today! Consider the follow sermon outline on the subject!

Title: “The Cover Up!”

Text: Matthew 28:11-15

(Matthew 28:11-15) “Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.”  (KJV)


•    The phrase “cover up” drums up images of the Kennedy Assignation, the question of whether or not we landed on the moon, the Watergate Scandal and many other issues in the political world.
•    Our text reveals to us the events that transpired stemming from the Romans guards reporting to their superiors in the early hours of the Resurrection Morning!
•    We must remind ourselves that the Romans put the guards there to show that the disciples would be caught trying to steal the body. They sealed the tomb – could have been done in many ways – they set a sufficient number of guards there are to prevent any one stealing the body.

(Matthew 27:66) “So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.”  (KJV)

•    They did everything in their own power to be sure that the resurrection would not be faked; believing themselves that it was not going to happen.
•    In their effort to thwart and prevent a resurrection, they, in fact, proved, without a shadow of a doubt, that the resurrection took place as Christ said it would.
•    Now these guards fells as dead men when the angels showed up.
•    The body was gone!
•    They reported back and in order to keep from exposing the truth of the resurrection, the leaders & chief priests decided to construct a massive cover up.
•    These Romans should have been executed for loosing their prisoner. They were only bribed and sent away spreading the rumor that the disciples stole the body.


•    This brings me to my point for tonight: This cover up is really an unveiling of the truth.

Proposition: There are four things I want to point out tonight about this cover up that we should ponder!

I.    This Cover Up Serves To Remind Us Of The Fact That Some People Will Not Believe!

A.    The more men have the light from the sun, the more wicked men are blinded.

B.    Some look for a reason not to believe the truth!

C.    The law of God prescribes what we need to know and those who turn away from that are in the land of judgment!

(Proverbs 28:9) “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.”  (KJV)

II.    This Cover Up Serves To Remind Us Of The Truth Of The Resurrection!

A.    The very notion of this cover up proves to me that there was a resurrection!

B.    This fabrication, promoted by the religious establishment, points to the truth about that morning, as was recorded in our text!

C.    We should embrace Truth and flee error! Do not even entertain it in your mind!

III.    This Cover Up Serves To Remind Us Of The Reality That People Can Be Bribed To Spread Falsehoods!

A.    People can be bought as most any price.

B.    Is not it a sad picture we have in our text: soldiers – supposed to be truthful – men who could have been used of God in a dynamic way to spread the truth, but were damned to a Devil’s Hell!

C.    Though lies are spread, God vindicates the truth and the righteous!

(Proverbs 21:30) “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.”  (KJV)

IV.    This Cover Up Serves To Remind Us Of The Ever Broadening Need Of Spreading The Truth About Christ and His Resurrection!

A.    This cover up ought to invigorate your understanding of the need to preach the gospel!

B.    Each day that goes by people believe a different variation of this lie started by Satan and birthed by these soldiers!

C.    Will you spread the good news of Jesus Christ: His death, burial and His glorious resurrection!


To The Sinner:

•    Repent and believe the gospel! Do not continue to believe the lies from Satan!

To The Christian:

•    This cover up should not discourage you, but serve to fuel your passion to spread the gospel!

33748: Jesus Our Lord: 24 Portraits of Christ Throughout Scripture Jesus Our Lord: 24 Portraits of Christ Throughout Scripture

By John Phillips / Kregel Publications

What does “lordship” involve? What does it mean for us? In this companion volume to The View from Mount Calvary John Phillips discusses how biblical events, stories, and prophecies illuminate Jesus’ sovereignty over the world and how it influences our daily lives. Phillips shows how we are never far from encountering the lordship of Christ, no matter where we are in our biblical reading.

John Phillips taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network. He is the author of numerous books, including a multivolume expository commentary series. He and his wife, Betty, live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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