About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

The Power Of Influence By Pastor Dan Reed | Manna For Your Day

Dr. Dan Reed was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1951. He was saved at the Woodland Avenue Baptist Church in 1973 while studying engineering at Auburn University. Sensing the call to preach in 1973 he enrolled at Tennessee Temple College under the ministry of Dr. Lee Roberson. Finishing his B.A. in December of 1975 he was called to Emden, Missouri , a town of 61, to pastor the Community Baptist Church. Pastor Reed has started two churches and two Christian schools during his 33-year ministry. He is currently the pastor of Harvest Baptist Church of Acworth, Georgia. (Learn more about Dr. Reed HERE)


Proverbs 13:20 “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

A man walked into the church I pastored several years ago and said to me, “Preacher you have changed.” I said, “In what way do you mean?” He said, “You are not preaching as much about the political scene.” I said you are right. He then said, “You have been influenced by someone haven’t you?” I said, “Right again.” And he was right. For a good number of years I read much about the political scene and all that was going on in Washington. I read books like None Dare Call It Conspiracy and None Dare Call It Treason. I came under the influence of men who were patriots to the core and had literally given their life and livelihood to restore our republic. I had Congressman Larry McDonald to speak in my pulpit on “God and Country Day” and my constant emphasis was that we must save America for our children and grandchildren. Now, while I am still concerned about my country and I am a patriot for sure, somewhere I became convinced that as a pastor, I had a higher calling than just being a great patriot. Yes, I came under the influence of someone. I found that what I read during the week leaked into my preaching on Sunday whether I purposely intended it to or not. I found that I was influenced by what I read and who I talked to and where I got my information.

The truth is, we are all influenced by somebody and we are all subject to influence.

Dr. Jack Hyles once said, “You are not going to be what you decide to be, but you are going to be what you decide to be around.” No matter how high your goals are, you will not reach them unless you put into your life the people and the books and the influences that will get you to your goal. A great old Puritan writer, by the name of Charles Bridges once said, “It is not up to you to decide whether or not you will be influenced, but it is up to you to decide how you will be influenced.”

I can look back in my life and see that people have influenced me and the books I have read have influenced me. Peter said when he was before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4:20 “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” The wise man Solomon said, “If you walk with wise men, you will be wise, but if you are a companion of fools, you will ruin your life.” Believing that we are going to be influenced, led me to make four deductions.

I. I will not leave my influence to chance.   If I am going to be influenced then I am going to purposely decide how I will be influenced. I will choose who will influence me. I have often wondered where I would be and what I would believe had I not come under the influence of my pastor. I grew up in a liberal church but because of the influence of a brother-in-law and sister, I started going to a church that preached the Bible. It was through my pastor and his preaching that I came under the influence of Lee Roberson, Jack Hyles, Lester Roloff and John Rice. I had never heard of those men before. But now my life has been greatly influenced by those men and their preaching and their writing. The things I believe and stand for were imparted to me, not just through the scriptures, but through men who had the courage to stand and preach without fear. Now, I choose to remain under that influence at least to some degree, so that my stand does not weaken. I know who to read and who to listen to in order to strengthen my stand. I will not leave my influence to chance.

The reason Lot lost his family and his good name was because he left the influence of godly Abraham and got under the wrong influences. Even the wise man Solomon fell away from the Lord because “even him did outlandish women cause to sin.” Rehoboam lost the northern ten tribes because he picked the young men to influence him rather than the men who had helped to guide his father. All of us are subject to influence. None of us are self made men. Thus we must choose carefully what we read and with whom we have close fellowship. Mark 4:24,25 says “Take heed what ye hear; with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you; and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given; and he that hath not shall be taken even that he hath.” Those verses warn us that we must be careful what we hear because the truth we already understand can be taken away from us by listening to wrong information. I must not leave my influence to chance.

II. I must know myself and how different people affect me.  Proverbs 14:8 “The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way.” People affect me. Some people affect me for good, some people affect me for bad. I must know myself and watch myself enough to know how people affect me. I notice that when I am with some people I become critical and sometimes caustic. I notice that when I am with other people I become happy and joyful and desirous of serving people. I noticed several years ago that when I was around some preachers I got very critical and then when I was around others, I wanted to pray more and go soul winning more. Now if I am not careful, if I stay around critical, caustic people, I will become like them. I Cor. 15:33 “Evil companions corrupt good manners.” Mind you, I am not talking about evil people here, I am talking about Christian people and preachers. But some Christians are critical and have very little good to say about anybody. Some Christians complain and bicker all the time. I don’t need those kind of people to rub off on me, but if I make them my close companions, they will rub off on me! Did you ever notice how husbands and wives become like each other in attitudes through the years?   Wise is the person who when he notices a tendency in his life, finds out why its there!

Some years ago I noticed after returning from a certain Bible conference that I was mean and caustic from the pulpit (sometimes I must be mean and caustic, but I must do it on purpose and with specific intentions in mind). Then I noticed after returning from another conference that I tended to be soft and overlook sin. What had happened in each of those cases was that the preacher in charge of those conferences had rubbed off on me! So, I must balance my life with the right influences and the right people so that I become Christ like, not like any person I may admire! (When we become like a person we take on not only the traits we admire but the traits that are bad and unbecoming to our personality!) No man is worthy of imitation in totality, only Christ, the perfect God-man is worthy of total imitation!   

III. I must choose godly people to be my close friends.  I want to be, but I am not so naive as to believe I am an original. I am a product of all those influences God has brought into my life. I am a product of the books I have read and the people I have listened to through the years. But particularly, my close friends have influence on me. I have many, many preachers that I know and am acquainted with. I have a few preachers that I know pretty well and I pray for and keep in contact with. But I have only two or three preachers with whom I have close, close friendship. Someone has said that close friendship is based on a commitment to develop each other’s character and the freedom to correct each other. Close friends, if I am wise, will be chosen among those preachers who help to develop my character. I praise the Lord that I have a couple of real close friends who can and do at times correct me and I have the freedom to do the same with them. I have two or three others that I do not keep in as close contact with who help me in my walk with God. It is worth it to go out of your way, even at cost of time and expense to hang on to friends like that! In Acts 4:13 we are told that when the Sanhedrin “saw the boldness of Peter and John that they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” Are you growing spiritually or are you slipping away from your closeness with Christ? It could be that you have removed yourself from a friend who helped you along spiritually just by your contact with them.

IV. We limit our growth spiritually and our personality growth by limiting ourselves to one close friend. This is particularly true of teenagers but also applies to adults. Many teenagers can’t seem to have but one close friend at a time and they lock out all other people from their friendship. This greatly limits their growth. The Bible says, “As iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” (Pro. 27:17) Particularly in our teen years, the youth group is more important than the single friendship. Personality development needs the influence of many people. One of the dangers of going steady (among many dangers) is that a teen’s focus is on one person and he or she locks out other influences. It also damages the entire youth group because the focus is not on the things of the Lord but on a person in the youth group. Many young people are lots of fun to be aro__d until they started going steady and then they were no longer really a part of the youth group itself. But this is also true of adults who limit themselves to one close friend or one person who influences them. As a preacher, I read many different people. If I read only one person, then my total slant on scripture is influenced by that one man. This is why many young preachers just out of college are unbalanced as of yet in their preaching. Many times they have been influenced almost totally by one man.

You and I are going to be influenced, there is no doubt about that. If that be true, then I must choose those who influence me to be people who will help me reach my goal to be like Christ!           

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565164: Lectures to My Students Lectures to My StudentsBy C.H. Spurgeon / Hendrickson PublishersThough best remembered as the most popular preacher of the Victorian era, C. H. Spurgeon was also founder and president of the Pastors College in London. He supervised the training of over 800 students, presided at an annual conference for ministers, and, on Friday afternoons, delivered regular lectures on every aspect of pulpit ministry.

Featuring such gems as “The Ministers Fainting Fits” “Posture, Action, Gesture, etc.” and “On the Choice of a Text,” this unabridged edition of 28 of Spurgeons classroom discourses on homiletics overflows with practical wisdom, discerning wit, and sage advice. Covering the call, open-air preaching, ordinary conversations, using illustrations, and conduct outside the church, Spurgeons words are as rich and nourishing for pastors and students today as they were more than a century ago.


    • The Ministers Self-Watch
    • Our Public Prayer
    • On Spiritualizing
    • The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear
    • On Conversion as Our Aim
    • The Sciences as Sources of Illustration

An excellent and useful gift for pastors and seminary students, church history enthusiasts, and even collectors and readers of classic Victorian literature.

The Implications Of A Torn Veil

This sermon outline serves to remind us, possibly to reassure us, that God has made a way for man to touch Heaven through prayer! My heart was stirred once again as I read this message!!! May God fan the cooling embers in your soul to a vibrant flame!

Title: “The Implications Of A Torn Veil!”

Text: Matthew 27:50-51

(Matthew 27:50-51)  “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;”  (KJV)

Consider also: Mark 15:37-38, Luke 23:44-46


•    As quoted by Pentecost, Shepard says that the veil in Herod’s Temple was a hands breath in thickness, and that it was 60 feet tall and 30 feet wide!
•    As quoted by Pentecost, Edersheim states that the veil was actually made up of 72 squares sewn together. It was enormously heavy. It was exaggerated that it took 300 priests to carry one square.
•    It suffices to say that this veil was large, thick, and hard to maneuver. This tear could not have been initiated by a human being. The earthquake did not tear it nor did anything fall onto it by result of the earthquake.
•    God Himself tore the veil from top to bottom!
•    When we read about this event after the death of Christ we ask ourselves a couple of questions!
•    What is the significance of this dividing of the veil? Why did God tear it? What are the implications of this event?
•    This message will dwell on two implications of this torn veil!


•    1st Implication – God wanted all to know that anyone can come to Him by coming through His Son as typified by the veil itself! (The veil was torn – Jesus was crucified)

(Hebrews 10:19-25) “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”  (KJV)

(John 10:9) “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”  (KJV)

•    This first implication speaks of salvation initially and the maintenance of fellowship!
•    2nd Implication – God wanted all who are saved to know that they do not need any other priest than Jesus Himself to be their mediator and prayer partner!

(1 Timothy 2:5) “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”  (KJV)

(Hebrews 4:14-16) “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”  (KJV)

•    This second implication speaks of mediation and prayer! We can pray directly to God the Father through the merits of Jesus Christ the Son by the enablement of God the Holy Ghost!

Proposition: There are three things that we should consider this evening in view of the fact that the veil is torn!

I.    In View Of The Torn Veil, We Should Take Advantage Of Every Opportunity To Enter God’s Presence!

A.    We should camp out around the throne of God daily!

B.    We should make up the hedge and stand in the gap of Holy Intercession!

C.    We should beat a pathway to God before trials come, during the tempest, and when we see the rainbow after the storm clouds drop their rain!

D.    We should be faithful to pray each day in our lives!

II.    In View Of The Torn Veil, We Should Count It A Privilege To Pray Seeing It Cost Jesus So Much!

A.    Our appreciation of Jesus’ sacrifice is seen in how much we attend the throne of God in prayer!

B.    Jesus was torn that we might be made whole!

C.    God Himself has bid us to His side in fellowship and prayer, but we act as if there is a veil still hanging between us and God!

D.    What a blessing to be able to pray!

III.    In View Of The Torn Veil, We Should Be Telling All We Can About Its Implications!

A.    If we had just heard about free apples at the supermarket, we would get on the phone and tell everybody about it! Yet we have the opportunity to have our needs met, have our souls blessed, and be used of God Almighty, and we do not tell a soul about it!

B.    Everybody we know and meet should hear about the torn veil, the gospel of Christ, and the wonderful opportunity to go to Heaven when we die!

C.    Illustration – A king came across some subjects one day and he began to speak with them. They thought it a wonderful act on his part to speak with them knowing their poverty. The king told them that they should make a request and the one which he liked the most he would grant!
They thought about it and one said that since he was in poverty that he would like have a little bit of land to have a vegetable garden for his family. The other was silent for a while and finally said that he would like to have half the kingdom! The first subject scoffed at the second but the king rebuked him. He stated that he was a man of his word and he actually liked the request and he gave that person half the kingdom and all of the servants and such that he needed to govern that half!

D.    It is amazing to me the few that WILL ask for their needs to be met, but fewer still will be bold enough to ask God for MORE!

E.    How big is your God? Are you publishing what God can do?

To The Sinner:

•    Repent and believe the gospel!
•    Jesus is the only way to Heaven!

To The Christian:

•    Are you going to take more advantage of this opportunity we have to come before the throne of God?

The Pastor’s Heartbeat

Though every pastor is different in personality and ability, each should have a passion and a heart for what they are doing. If someone’s heart in not in the ministry, then they will wash out or manipulate their position to their personal advantage. Either way, the results are not favorable. 

An Example

(Romans 10:1) “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”  (KJV)

I am reminded about the burden the Apostle Paul had for his fellow Jew in Romans 10:1. Everywhere he went, convenient or not, you could be assured he was going to reach out to his kinsman according to the flesh! Where are the burdened men of today? Where are those whose hearts are broken for the lost to be saved? Where is the tenderness at? Where are those who have a burden as the Apostle Paul had?

A Distraction

It is so easy to be distracted in ministry. So many things require your attention. Some days it seems that you are more of an administrator than a preacher! Beneath the surface, however, we either have a burden or not. If there is a real brokenness and heart for someone, then we will move Heaven and Earth to meet the need! In the very least, we used to think this way. Simply put, we should not get distracted from soul winning!

An Observation

It saddens me to behold God’s people so burdened over politics and their pocket books. Tea Party or not, souls are headed for Hell, and lower taxes are not going to keep them from that awful place. Yes, there is a time and place for politics and public policy, but let us keep our passion for souls alive. A heart for the salvation of man is more important than what you think about President Barack Obama! Some of God’s men are more passionate about their abhorrence for the sitting President of the United States, than they are about their calling in life.


Is there a raging fire in our soul for the salvation of lost people? Can you still hear the incessant voice, of God’s Holy Ghost, whispering in your ear that familiar question, “I wonder if that person knows my Jesus?” Have you still the tears of compassion for needy souls? Maybe you should take a walk down memory lane to the clay pit of sin from where you were rescued?

Something to think about… isn’t it?

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