About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

Pastor, Do You Trust Your Leaders?

Pastors MUST be able to TRUST their leaders. Leaders, in the church, MUST be able to TRUST their pastor. This relationship between the pastor and others in church leadership must grow, and it must remain intact if the ministry is to perpetuate in a Christ-like way!

Without a doubt, being a pastor of any size of congregation is difficult. A man who would take this responsibility on should be commended! With this commendation in mind, it is also universally understood that many of the problems of ministry that lead to catastrophic failure stem from issues in the church leadership team. Though, many of these issues can be examined in later posts, it is the intent of this post to expound on ONE of the root causes of success or of failure in the leadership of a local church.

Introspection: TRUST or LOVE

George MacDonald said, “To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.” Could it be that the Achilles Heel of a pastor’s heart is this very thing? A pastor usually desires to be loved in the same measure, if not more than, in which he loves. After all, he pours his heart out to them in every public speaking engagement! This can be perceived as being a selfish love, but it is true and also reasonable to think in this manner.

Imploring of SCRIPTURE

The Bible teaches us in numerous places that we should, without reservation, place our trust, confidence, love, etc. in God alone. We cannot stake our existence in the promises of politicians, government entities or any other human being. We can, however, stake our lives upon God and His promises! Consider just a few of the many verses on this subject…

(Psalms 118:8-9) “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.”  (KJV)

(Proverbs 3:5-6) “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  (KJV)
(Matthew 22:37)  “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”  (KJV)

Implication of DELEGATION

Nobody is disputing the aforementioned verses, but their is a “trust issue” involved in the arena of discipleship, and in stewardship. The famed Apostle Paul understood that he was given the responsibility ministry because he could be trusted. Consider 1 Timothy 1:12. When Jesus gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-10), as we term it, He implied through His command that He was entrusting this “commission” to His disciples. This is seen in the fact that He reminded them of His abiding presence to enable them to perform the command. Think about it! If He did not trust them, then He would not have commanded them nor would He encouraged them by His perpetual watch-care as they performed the task. 


Though we cannot stake our existence solely upon the word of man, we must extend a measure of trust to individuals every day. When it comes to working with anybody, you have to trust them. We see this in Law Enforcement, Military, Hospital and churches alike. As a pastor, you have to be one who people can trust and respect, and you have to be able to develop this in people whom you disciple and entrust with leadership responsibility.

Trust is an issue that few really understand. For most of us, we have no problem trusting “Christian” people, whom we do not know, until they compromise our trust. As a pastor, this is amplified many times over. You have to be able to trust people OVER and OVER again… even though you are disappointed many times. This was the issue the Apostle Paul had with John Mark. Paul did not trust him while Barnabas did.

In conclusion, remember:

  1. You have to TRUST people if you are going to be an effective pastor. 
  2. Yes, you will be disappointed numerous times by the same offenders. (If this bothers you, just reflect upon what God received when He saved you!)
  3. You have to be someone whom people can TRUST. Do not presume that people do and will keep on trusting you. 
  4. You have to earn this respect not demand it.
  5. Create an environment for people that you are entrusting responsibility to rise and fall on their own merits. TRUST THEM!
  6. If your church is to be effective over many generations, then those in leadership must be people the congregation can TRUST and those in leadership must TRUST each other.
  7. Do nothing that would violate the TRUST of others!

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    A Saved Man

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    While on his way to incarcerate Christians he was met by the Lord Jesus on the Damascus road. This is certainly a climatic event in the book of Acts for we find the salvation experience of a man who will probably be known as the world’s greatest missionary. From Acts 13:9 we find that Saul is also referred to as Paul. In a way, you can see the old man – “Saul”, and the new man – “Paul”! At any rate, you discover that Paul was never the same man after the Damascus road experience.

    Paul was a SAVED man! There is no doubt about this. Paul KNEW that he was SAVED! It was a reality in his life. Day in and day out, Paul lived his life in light of the fact that his name was written down in the Lamb’s book of life. Every preacher of the gospel must be saved. Not all are though! More than one time I have come across people who preached for a number of years that later got saved. What a shame it would be to go to Hell after preaching God’s Book!

    A Sent Man

    The next phrase in verse one is “an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour”. In this section I find a SENT man. The term “apostle” literally means “a sent one”. We find that Paul, under inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, making it known that he was, indeed, an apostle of Jesus Christ. It is one thing to claim to be something. It is quite another thing to actually BE what you CLAIM to be. Paul WAS an Apostle.

    The reality of his apostleship permeated every ounce of his being. You cannot read your New Testament without making this assertion. As John the Baptist before him, Paul too was sent from God to a sin cursed world! As both John and Paul, you and I, who are preachers of the gospel, must not forget that we are SENT from God for a specific purpose.

    A Secure Man

    As Paul ends his remark about the fact that God the Father commanded him to be an apostle, He mentions that Jesus Christ commanded him as well. In reference to Jesus, Paul states that He, Jesus Christ, is our hope. What assurance Paul must have felt as he penned this introductory statement to his young disciple named Timothy.

    It is very important to not only KNOW of your security in Christ, but it is equally important to project this security in public. Uncertainty, anxiety, and lack of decisiveness is common in people who are not SECURE in their minds. As pastors develop and train their young “Timothy”, their confidence in this security is contagious and will be caught by these young men.

    Hope in Jesus and the confidence that stems from it, is so strong that is anchors the soul through the fiercest of storms. Timothy is going to need this encouraging opening remark. Indeed, Jesus IS our hope as well!


    As we conclude the thoughts from 1 Timothy1:1, it is important to reiterate that a pastor must be careful as to what he thinks about himself. The pastor’s mind is a huge battleground. Your opinion of yourself is everything! We must KNOWwe are saved men, sent men, and that we are secure men if we are to persevere in ministry. The apostle gives some wonderful truths as he begins his letter to young Timothy.

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