About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org

5 Ways To Encourage Your Pastor’s Wife

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My wife, Shilo Schank

Behind every good pastor, there is a pastor’s wife! There to stand, often in the shadows, behind her best friend, confidante, lover, and preacher. While many times accolades are given to her husband, she quietly cheers him on; often without visibility to others. Every pastor’s wife needs encouragement!

Listed below are just 5 suggestions as to how this can be accomplished. You can add your own to it, but, by all means, employ what you know in service of Jesus Christ. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comment section at the conclusion of this article.

#1 – Always Acknowledge Her When She Is In The Presence Of Her Husband

Many times people come up and speak with the pastor and never say as much as a, “Hello!” to his wife… and she is in plain view! By making eye contact and acknowledging her in word will go a long ways. This practice will help her feel like she is involved and not forgotten.

#2 – Be Positive And Always Compliment Her Children When Appropriate

The way to a mother’s heart is through her children. If your pastor and wife has children, young or old, then compliment them meaningfully and periodically. This shows that you care and appreciate them AND their children.

#3 – Seek Ways To Help Her Perform Her Responsibilities

The pastor’s wife wears many hats like her husband. There is much to be done at home and church. If the ladies of the church would seek to help in whatever capacity they can, then this would serve to alleviate the pastor’s wife of undue stress.

#4 – Take Her Shopping

I have not met a lady yet that didn’t like to go shopping. Pastor’s wives are no exception! Many times they will go without or settle for second and third best so as to do for others. The church family should make up for that! One way is by taking her shopping on the church’s dime!

#5 – Organize A “Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Day” At Church

Many congregations will have a Pastor’s Appreciation Day and never have one for his wife. She is not a fifth wheel! She is his helpmeet! If possible, there should be an all out commitment for a Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Day to take place from time to time. Pull out all the stops, and make it big. She will smile and appreciate what you do!


These are just a few ideas that one could take and run with to encourage their pastor’s wife. When she is not happy, your pastor is not. Encourage him by encouraging her!


When Was The Last Time You Did Something To Encourage Your Pastor’s Wife?

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10576: A Pastor & The Pastor"s Wife, Framed Sentiment A Pastor & The Pastor’s Wife, Framed Sentiment

By Larry Howland / Parsons Pen

Measures 15.5″ x 12.5″. Light oak finish frame. Neutral mat. A pastor is a faithful friend/Who has his Father’s flock to tend./He cares for us through trying days,/Retrieves the lamb who sometimes strays./He brings us loving words from God,/Of Moses’ feats with Aaron’s rod,/Of Daniel in the lion’s den,/Of godly women and their men./From parables the Master taught/To understanding what Paul thought./He speaks to us of God’s dear Son,/Of unity, so we’ll be one./When sick or sad he’s always there/To comfort, guide and offer prayer./He’s tender, caring, meek and kind;/The Spirit’s in his heart and mind. And She’s like a fresh and lovely rose/That angels planted, then God chose./He gave her soft and gentle ways/To help us through our trying days./She walks with us through pain and loss/And lives the meaning of the cross./She always thinks of others first/And loves us when we’re at our worst./She has such kind and gentle ways/And builds us up with words of praise./Her tears and prayers and long hours spent/Have helped so many to repent./A confidant with whom to share,/A partner when it comes to prayer,/Two blessings in a Christian’s life/Are pastor and his faithful wife.

Pastor, Are You Distinguishing Between Salvation And Discipleship

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting under a two week Sunday school series on the distinction between salvation and discipleship. Pastor Roger Luiken of Liberty Baptist Church in Fremont, Nebraska taught this and I was blessed.

Now this may seem to be an elementary issue that 99.999% of people would be on top of. Not so! More and more, people, in varying denominations, are muddying the waters and blurring the lines between these two major doctrines of the Scriptures. To us, who know Bible terminology, there is not much of a problem, but to a lost person, this can be very confusing!

Listed below is the main outline of what Pastor Luiken had to say about this topic.

7 Distinctions Between 
Salvation And Discipleship
#1 – Salvation is “Come UNTO Me” (Matthew 11:28) – while – Discipleship is “Come AFTER Me” (Matthew 16:24)
#2 – Salvation is about the cross of Christ (Matthew 16:21) – while – Discipleship is about your own cross (Matthew 16:24)
#3 – In Salvation, you receive a gift (John 4:10) – while – in Discipleship, you give a gift (Your life as a sacrifice… Romans 12:1-2)
#4 – Salvation is made once (John 5:24, John 6:37-40 and John 10:27-28) – while – Discipleship is made again and again (Take up cross daily… Luke 9:23)
#5 – Salvation is a sure thing (No condemnation… Romans 8:1, Given Holy Ghost… Romans 8:9-11 and No separation… Romans 8:35) – while – Discipleship is always in danger of failing (“CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE”… Luke 14:25-27)
#6 – Salvation is by GRACE (Ephesians 2:5-9) – while – Discipleship is by WORKS (Revelation 22:12)
#7 – The results of Salvation is eternal life in Christ (John 3:16) – while – the results of Discipleship is eternal rewards from successful discipleship (Matthew 16:27)


There is a big difference between SALVATION and DISCIPLESHIP. The next time we quote Scripture to a lost person, let us be more careful to give out verses that are plain and “rightly divided”. Though some famous evangelists of the past have blurred terminology on purpose to reach certain religious groups outside their own denominations, we must refrain from this. Always use Bible terminology when dealing with people and you will do just fine!

482518: Spiritual Discipleship: Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer Spiritual Discipleship: Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer

By J. Oswald Sanders / Moody Publishers

As J. Oswald Sanders points out, true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ—it involves the whole person and lifestyle.
Those with only a superficial belief will soon fall away from the faith, but Sanders says a true disciple would rather be presented with a difficult challenge than a soft option. Disciples are charged with the task of training themselves to be godly, because it is their responsibility to remain spiritually fit. Ever-fresh topics in this time-tested volume include:

  • the disciple’s second chance
  • the disciple’s ambition
  • the disciple’s senior partner
  • the disciple’s olympics
  • the disciple’s right
  • the disciple’s maturity

In addition, a “For Reflection” guide is included, making this book ideal for both individual and group study.

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Are You A Zealous Pastor?

Pastor Andrew SchankPastor, do you have zeal or have you lost it? If so, then where did you leave it? Do you still have that ardent desire to follow God wherever He may lead you? As with the three Hebrew adolescents, have you resigned your life into the Providential hand of Almighty God without any reservations, or have you begun to think that zeal is set aside for the uneducated and immature Christians who have not achieved your spiritual level? Could it be that you have mistakenly embraced liturgical practice with zeal for God?

Lack Of Zeal Due To Fear And Duty

Human nature astounds me sometimes for people can be pious one minute and carnal the next! Jumping from one extreme to another, whatever the venue, is not all that great. It shows lack of temperance and stability. Pastors have to guard against projecting a roller coaster mentality and endeavor to be an anchor steadfast and sure. As one strives to be a source of stability and strength, there is a natural tendency to lose zeal and excitement. Fearing to step out and reach for new and loftier goals, many pastors opt to live under the shadow of yesteryear. After all, yesteryear is just that… yesteryear!

Noah Webster defines zeal this way: “Passionate ardor in the pursuit of any thing.” Way back in 1828 Mr. Webster understood what it meant to have zeal or not. One must remember that out of control zeal, itself, can be the instigator of a roller coaster emotional ride. Of course, unbridled zeal can also lead to a great disaster, just like it did with Israel. The Apostle Paul spoke about this in Romans 10:1-2. It is also quite possible to be zealous in the wrong thing(s). Paul understood this awful scenario all too well! (Galatians 1:14 and Philippians 3:4-7)

(Romans 10:1-2) “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.” (KJV)

Pastors who understand that a lack of zeal can be a side effect of trying to be a consistent source of strength and stability will be able to guard against being hedged in by fear and duty. Never think it cannot happen to you. It is like a cancer that eats away at us and often going unnoticed till we are totally desensitized.

I want to encourage every reader of this blog to passionately pursue Christ! Be a follower of the Lamb of God. No pastor should lose his zealous love of Jesus Christ. No matter how hard the battle may be and no matter how tall the mountain may seem to stretch into the sky, just keep on the firing line! Remember that you can make a difference where you are at by being a zealous pastor!


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