Note Our Previous Posts In This Series:
Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare | Introduction
Thankfulness For Those Who Criticized You
Criticism – A Gift From God
An Important, Self Examining Question
Examining The Sting Of Criticism
Assumptions On Our Part
Sinful Responses To Criticism.
Though many verses of Scripture can be used to form a foundation for this idea, no other biblical event depicts this more than Haman and the Jews. You can find out more about this event by reading the Old Testament book of Esther, if you are not familiar with it. In this Biblical record, you will find a man who criticized, demonized, and sought the destruction of Mordecai, a Jew. He actually had gallows built so he could hang Mordecai! In spite of his best efforts, Haman was the poor soul who was put to death by those gallows.
From My Own Experience…
I do not have a shortage of personal stories of where I put my foot in my mouth, and did exactly what I accused others of doing. I have spoken very harshly about someone and they immediately performed a good deed for me… putting me to open shame! I share this in brevity to make it absolutely clear, no matter who we are, people are susceptible to criticize others and reap the consequences of their actions!
Encouragement For Today…
Look For Our Last Post In This Series: The Danger Of Over-Reacting! Coming soon…
Will You Consider Purchasing…
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Object Lessons: 100 Lessons from Everyday Life – eBook |
By Charles C. Ryrie / Moody Publishers
What good is a broken fingernail? what can you do with a frying pan, a hammer, and an egg? How is a balloon different from a brick? The world around us is full of items useful for interesting and meaningful object lessons. Dr. Ryrie uses pencils, light bulbs, sunglasses, and even the air around us to illustrate truths about salvation and the Christian life. All of the objects are simple and easy to find, and the lessons can be used for any group of any age. Children and adults alike will enjoy learning more when you present these fascinating illustrations.