In the course of ministry, we come across people of varying personality types. Some are easier to deal with than others. The same holds true with other [intlink id=”12″ type=”post”]pastors[/intlink], evangelists and missionaries. I have come to the conclusion that some preachers are just not my “cup of tea”. I feel that this is okay as long as I do not hold a grudge and sin with my lips and thoughts toward these dear men of God. After all, I am not everyone’s “cup of tea” either. Continue reading
Category Archives: Leadership & Integrity
What Pastors Should Do When They Sin Publicly
When Nathan confronted King David (2 Samuel 12:14), one of the forgotten charges made was that the pagan nations could seize an opportunity to blaspheme God. Pastors are not God, but His divinely called representative. For this reason, the dignity of this office must be kept as holy as can be achieved. When a leader, such as a pastor, sins publicly, then it gives great occasion for Satan to chip away the integrity of the office. The example which he sets forth and the great measure of accountability to God REQUIRE integrity. When this is jeopardized, even lost and unsaved people are hurt by it!
It Is A Matter Of Testimony
While it is true that all of God’s children are ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) and must represent Christ in a righteous way, the office of pastor, missionary, and evangelist must hold the standard high. This is not new to the New Testament, but simply what God has demanded all along. If you study the Old Testament standards for the priests, then you will see that God set the standard high. God uses his men to reach the world and they must exemplify His holiness. They are certainly not perfect, but they must give their utmost to please the Lord.
What A Pastor Should Do
When pastors sin publicly, they must be sure to handle things in an appropriate manner. All eyes are on them and they need to have the highest respect for the office in which they serve. Listed below are 5 suggestions as to what a pastor should do when they have sinned publicly.
- Admit the sin
- Ask for God’s forgiveness first, then from those affected by the sin
- Make restitution
- Submit to accountability
- Move On
It is very important that the pastor consider the practical ramifications of their actions. God forgives, but man is still scarred. Time can take the sting away, but one cannot expect immediate closure. Depending upon the sin, the pastor may need to step down from his office; even if the church is still desiring his leadership. The office, God’s standard, and public testimony are more important than what a congregation may want.
This is a touchy subject in our day. The modern day consensus is that the standard is too high and we should lower it a bit. The problem with that is we are comparing men with men. God set the standard, not man! It is very important for the pastor to hold the standard high in his own life if he wishes to serve in such a HIGH office. He must be sure to keep himself clean with God privately AND also publicly!
Much more can be stated concerning this issue. Our desire in this post was to place some ideas in front of you for you to consider. May all who claim the title of Pastor/Missionary/Evangelist take great care in living for Christ!
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Why Revival Tarries |
By Leonard Ravenhill / Bethany House
Leonard Ravenhill’s call to revival is as timely now as it was when first published over forty years ago. The message is fearless and often radical as he expounds on the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today. This book contains the heart of his message, A.W. Tozer called Ravenhill “a man sent from God” who “appeared at (a) critical moment in history,” just as the Old Testament prophets did. Included are questions for group and individual study.
Why Some Pastors Are Out Of The Ministry
The following 9 points(*) are from veteran missionary Robert Smith. He has worked in the country of Brazil for over 29 years with Macedonia World Baptist Missions. These thoughts are from a lesson he uses when teaching on the subject, “Why Missionaries Quit”. Whether you are a missionary or not, you can apply Dr. Smith’s thoughts to your situation! I hope this post will not only help missionaries, but many pastors and evangelists!
- BURN OUT* – over extending yourself to the point of exhaustion and spiritual emptiness. RPM = Recklessly Pursuing Ministries
- BLOW OUT* – one major incident or experience that causes you to leave the field. Ex. robbery, death, assault, terrorism, etc.
- STRESSED OUT* – drained emotionally through pressure points; competing with other missionaries (pastors, evangelists).
- FLAME OUT* – out of ideas; out of lessons; out of messages…
- SHOCKED OUT* – letting differences affect you: culture shock; missionary shock…
- SCARED OUT* – fear accompanied by little or no faith. Don’t be afraid of fear, but there is a problem when you have fear with no faith.
- FAKED OUT* – leaving, thinking it was the will of God.
- THROWN OUT* – leaving the country by being kicked out by the government.
- PULLED OUT* – being brought out of the country at the request of your pastor or by the mission board. (immorality, immodesty, etc.)
Though good, solid and qualified men have started out well, many do not finish well. May each of us who claim God’s calling endeavor to be like the Apostle Paul… “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”. Please share this post with your preacher friends!
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Abide in Christ |
By Andrew Murray / Whitaker House Publishers
Instead of accepting the invitation to enter God’s throne room, many Christians stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He has offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and experience the unspeakable joy of dwelling with the King of Kings. Andrew Murray knew what it meant to be continually in the Father’s presence. Read these thirty-one heart-searching readings and learn how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Him. Accept God’s invitation and live in His blessing and glory instead of shuffling your feet at the gate.