Like cogs in machinery, pastors and deacons must work together. In this post we want to share 20 tips for pastors as they seek to work with their deacons in a better way. May the thoughts expressed here find lodging place in your heart and seek to be a resource in days to come.
Listed below are 20 tips for pastors on the subject, “How To Work With Deacons”
- Study the election of the first deacons in Acts 6:1-7.
- Study carefully the qualifications of a deacon given in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
- Understand the proper roles of pastors and deacons. Learn the function of each.
- Elect only men to be deacons who meet the scriptural qualifications. Acts 6 (honest, spiritual and wise) and 1 Timothy 3.
- Remind deacons that we are all servants, not bosses.
- Honor, commend (also publicly) and show proper respect for deacons.
- Teach the deacons that the pastor does not work for them, or under them, but for God.
- Work at creating teamwork.
- Teach them to uphold and protect the pastor.
- Do not try to be a little dictator. A pastor/dictatorship is wrong and a committee- run church is wrong.
- Whenever God wants something done He calls a man and then He gathers around that man others to help him.
- Do not desire or expect deacons to be “YES MEN.” Genuinely desire their wisdom, help, and input.
- Honor deacons’ wives.
- Give them a gift of appreciation at the end of their term.
- Have a banquet and have testimonies.
- Honor them publicly.
- Pray for them.
- Love them.
- Do not make special friends or become partial to one or more of your deacons.
- Remember that God’s order is bishops (pastors), deacons, and people (saints).
You may not agree with everything that has been stated, but you will have to agree with me that these 20 tips are outstanding! If Christ’s church is to be what it ought to be, then pastors and deacons will have to work together!
These tips have been taken from the book A Manual For Young Pastors (And Older Ones Too) by Dr. Jim Phillips. Dr. Phillips has graciously given permission for The Working Pastor to use his material. Any quotes from here need to be given to Dr. Phillips. For those who would like a copy of this book simply contact Brother Phillips: Dr. Jim Phillips – 13 Darby Hill Lane Taylors, SC 29687 or call: 864-609-9431 The book is $17.00 and $3.00 S&H.;
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100 Devotions for Pastors and Church Leaders, Vol. 2: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Sermons, Lessons, Church Events, Newsletters, and Web Sites |
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