There are many facets of discussion on this topic, but this post seeks to focus, not on all of the different trails of thought, but on how we can possibly curb the “turnover rate” in our local assemblies. Of course, we are assuming that the individuals involved are truly SAVED and born again children of God. By doing this, we narrow the scope of this post.
(Ephesians 4:11-12) “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” (KJV)
There is no short cut. If you are going to be a leader, then you will train people. If a ministry is to perpetuate and not age out, then there must be people trained for the ministry. A pastor MUST train faithful men and women for ministry in the local assembly!
4 Tips To Training Ministry Personnel
#1 – Recruit People Personally
Each job in a church has a specific function. Each task is a privilege and an honor to be a part of. Though some are not glamorous and considered mundane, they are, however, SPECIAL. No other person can convey this better than the pastor.
When a pastor recruits a person for a certain job it can be quite an experience. Many times, when someone gets discouraged, remembering that they are doing this for Christ and the pastor thought enough of them to perform the assignment will be enough to keep them going!
#2 – Train People Specifically
Though this sounds simple, it is often overlooked. Many churches are laborer starved. The 80/20 principle applies in most cases. You know… 80% do 20% of the work and 20% do 80% of the work! Sometimes it is tempting to take everyone you can get just so a position is filled. This can be disastrous to a ministry of any size.
The pastor and/or staff should teach the trainee what they want done. Demonstration and providing examples, can mean everything. An open door policy for future questions and concerns must be conveyed. No position should be exempted from specific training.
It is very important to provide a document with detailed expectations; including a “Job Description“. If this is given out, then there can be no excuses later for a job left undone. It might also be advisable to provide training classes in the following areas for potential candidates…
- Deacons
- Ushers
- Altar Workers
- Sunday School Teachers
- Youth Workers
- Soul-Winners
- Parking Lot Attendant
- Church Secretary
- Janitors
- Bus Workers
- Various Other Ministries
#3 – Motivate People Passionately
Nothing can be more discouraging and repulsive than for a pastor to “demand” and “expect” without motivation. We have all done this. Even though we may operate without a lot of “maintenance”, that does not mean that everyone is like us or should be like us. Some people need a constant word of encouragement. There is nothing wrong with a person like that.
Pastors should make sure that they motivate the people who help in the church with one on one compliments and instruction. Showing that you CARE about their little task, or big ones for that matter, can uplift and inspire one forward!
#4 – Inspect People Thoroughly
“Inspiration without education usually leads to frustration.”
Of the tips mentioned in this post, this last one is hardly ever performed by leadership. Usually there has to be an explosive problem before anyone is checked out after initial training. To train someone, leave them alone, and a month or so later come up with a complaint about what they have done is insulting. Why? The answer is that they are most likely doing what they have always done. The leader just never noticed! And we wonder why people get disgusted and quit serving in a church ministry?
Pastors should evaluate their staff and volunteers on a regular basis. Catching a potential problem before it IS a problem, and retraining is the responsibility of LEADERSHIP. We cannot be angry and disappointed with the causalities of ministry helpers when we, as leaders, do not do OUR job!
In summation, every pastor is responsible for the training of his people. Whether this is carried out by staff members or not, the pastor ISultimately accountable for what goes on. A pastor cannot just claim credit for the victories and positive things that happen in the church. He must also be equally eager to take the credit for the failures and disappointments which unfortunately happen from time to time.
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