10 Opportunities Every Pastor Has

Opportunity has been defined as a chance for advancement, progress, or profit as well as a favorable circumstance or occasion. Pastors have these all the time, though many pass by unnoticed. Why is that? Maybe it is because we are not LOOKING for them as opportunities.

A Sudden Realization…

I had a friend growing up, who always spoke about seeing deer and turkeys along the roadside while driving to school or church. I always wondered why he saw them and I didn’t. I traveled the same road and didn’t see anything. A few years ago it suddenly dawned upon me that the reason he saw them and I didn’t was the he was actively LOOKING for those animals. I learned a valuable truth by this realization. If we do not LOOK for God’s blessings, or, in this case, Providential opportunities, then it is very likely that we will miss them altogether!

Listed below are 10 common opportunities that pastors have. It is entirely possible that one has not viewed these as opportunities. It is also likely that one has just thought of them as things done in the way of duty and not opportune gifts from God. It suffices to say that these ten items are opportunities that every pastor has and should be thankful for.

10 Opportunities Every Pastor Has

  1. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Represent Christ In The Church As His Under-shepherd.
  2. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Intercede For His People. (ex. Moses)
  3. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Serve His People. (We used to say that so-and-so was serving in a church as pastor)
  4. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Feed His Flock Through The Pulpit Ministry And In Various Teaching Capacities.
  5. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Evangelize His Community.
  6. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Help Those People That Very Few Care About In The Community. (People that don’t and won’t tithe or add anything substantive to the church by way of talent, etc.)
  7. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Lead A Local Congregation While Making A World-Wide Impact Through Missions.
  8. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Have A Part In Making A Difference In Individual’s Lives Every Week.
  9. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Have A “Job” That He Couldn’t Live Without.
  10. Every Pastor Has The OPPORTUNITY To Invest His Life In Eternal Things!


Can you see how these things are OPPORTUNITIES? Hopefully this will serve to encourage you in your ministry today!

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Pastor, You Have A Great Opportunity!

Pastor Andrew SchankA friend of mine related a great axiom to me a few years ago that has not left me. He stated, “Life is a journey!” Though a very short proverb, it is a colorful thought. I would like to expand upon this thought by adding, “…full of opportunities!” I am sure that you would wholehearted agree with me that, “Life is a journey full of opportunities!”

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”  (KJV)

Pastor, Are You Looking For Opportunities?

As a hunter looks for his prey, a lookout spies the horizon for ships atop the mast, and as a prospector diligently seeks for the tiniest spec of gold in the pan, so must God’s man look for the opportunities which lay before him. Don’t get the wrong idea. The opportunities to serve God are not elusive and hard to find. On the contrary, they are everywhere! The point being made is that we must always be on the lookout so we do not miss them. Sometimes unique, once in a lifetime opportunities pop up and we must take advantage of them. A lazy eye will squander the opportunity, and cost you future rewards!

“Do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door.”  – Chamfort

Pastor, Are You Utilizing Your Opportunities?

It is one thing to take advantage of an opportunity or two. It is quite another to maximize and take the opportunity to it’s greatest potential. What God’s men need in this apathetic day is to lead the way by example, strive to use every ounce of strength, and take every opportunity to serve God to it’s fullest potential. Squeeze out every last drop from your God given opportunities. This is truly living on the cutting edge!

“To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.”  – Johnson

Pastor, Are You Sharing Your Opportunities With Your Colleagues?

Thankfully, a few godly men gave me an opportunity to serve God alongside them. They shared their opportunities and were never selfish in allowing me to participate. May each pastor, missionary, evangelist, Sunday School Teacher, Deacon, etc. who reads this be sure to not be selfish in sharing opportunities to serve the Lord Jesus Christ! After all… WE ARE IN THIS THING TOGETHER!

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”  – Francis Bacon

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