An Important, Self Examining Question | Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare

Usually a leader does not like to be questioned about their conduct or instructions. It is only natural to be a little defensive because of pride and such. After all, most criticism is, in the very least, critical in nature. However, the godly, and diligent spiritual leader will ask themselves an all important question when being criticized.

“Is This Something I Need To Correct Or Change?” 

As every leader would challenge others to do, so must the leader do in his/her life. When criticized, everyone needs to ask themselves an all important question, “Is This Something I Need To Correct Or Change?” If we are honest with ourselves, then we will have to admit that most of the time very little consideration is given to this question. Furthermore, when we do ask this question, many times, we hide the answer from others and ourselves.

A Caution Must Be Heeded…

in every criticism there is an element of truth!

For some reason, we think people are picking on us when they share a criticism or we think they are being OVERLY critical of something. For these reasons, we dismiss what was sent from Heaven to help us! How many times a day does a spiritual leader ask God for wisdom and instruction? They beg God for it, but won’t take it when it comes in the form of a criticism.  REMEMBER… in every criticism there is an element of truth!

EVERY Pastor…

Every pastor should be careful to ask themselves this question when someone approaches them with a criticism. The answer is very simple. We either say, “Yes!” or, “No!” If we need to work on the issue presented, then, by all means, implement a change or remedy so it won’t happen next time. If we see that the criticism is unfounded, then brush it off and move on. This question will work with any kind of criticism, constructive or non-constructive.

Bottom Line…

The truth of the matter is that if pastors/spiritual leaders are not willing to ask themselves this important question when criticized, then how can they preach or teach anyone else. Think about it… each time someone mounts a pulpit or lectern, they are preaching and teaching for a decision. They ask people to consider making some sort of change in their lives. If they are not willing to make changes in their own lives when confronted, then they are not much of a leader. In fact, they won’t be leading for very long!


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Sinful Responses To Criticism | Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare

I am not sure what exactly it is in a leader which makes them somewhat hostile when criticisms arise. Many times a spiritual leader will tend to respond to criticism in a sinful way. It might not be very noticeable at first, but the root of retribution could be just beneath the surface.

Personal Testimony
I know from my own actions that it is real easy to respond to criticism in a sinful way. We must be careful to be directed by the Holy Ghost when responding to anything, but especially criticism. I have hurt my closest family members and friends, more times than I care to think about, by letting my flesh control my mouth! I’ll bet you have done the same thing. God warns us about this in James 3:5-12.

Common Responses

Many times we respond inappropriately to criticism. Listed below are some common responses to, what could be, our best ally in practical Christian living:

  1. Anger
  2. Resentment
  3. Hostility
  4. Bitterness
  5. Evil Communication
  6. Gossip
  7. Retaliation
  8. Close Mindedness
  9. Loss Of Friendship
  10. Hurt Feelings… To The Extent That It May Be Irreparable
How To Respond Appropriately

  • THINK before you speak! – James 1:19
  • Remember that you do not have to respond immediately to what is being said. It is sometimes best to chew upon what has been handed to you! – Proverbs 27:6
  • Be polite and say, “Thank you!” – Proverbs 15:1
  • Try not to add any heat to the situation, no matter how awkward things might seem! – Proverbs 26:20
  • Spare your words. Remember that God is keeping a record too! – Proverbs 17:27-28

We are all human, but we can do our dead level best to respond to criticism in the right manner. Responding to criticism is crucial to Christian maturity. For many of God’s children, being criticized is what unravels us. Satan knows this and will seek to exploit it any time he gets a chance. Be on guard 24/7, especially if you are a pastor or spiritual leader.

Look For Our Next Post In This Series: What Goes Around, Comes Around  

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6016X: Whatever Happened to Worship? Whatever Happened to Worship?

By A.W. Tozer / Wingspread Publishers

Decrying much of contemporary worship as entertainment, Tozer says, “When we are worshipping…if the love of God is in us and the Spirit of God is breathing praise within us, all the musical instruments in heaven are suddenly playing in full support.” Originally preached as sermons at Avenue Road Alliance Church in Toronto, the chapters of Whatever Happened to Worshipconvey Tozer’s attitude and thoughts on Christian worship.

Criticism – A Gift From God | Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare

Criticism is not something that we naturally enjoy. No matter who is sharing their thoughts with us, we all tense up and hope that what is said won’t be too scathing. How soon we forget that all criticism is not harmful! I guess that since most is considered to be bad, then we tend to generalize all as being so. This post will seek to help us see that criticism is a gift from God!

When holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions come around, we seek out an appropriate gift for the person(s). After we contemplate what to give, we acquire the present and go to the person with it. I do not think God is much different from us. Although He doesn’t need a lot of time because He works outside the concept of it, He does reveal many gifts to us each day.

The gift of physical life is especially precious to all of us who know the Lord as our Saviour. The wonderful gift of everlasting life is our greatest gift from God. The list goes on and on. However, the gift of criticism is not even on our list. Why is that? Maybe it is because we view it as an enemy?

(James 1:17) “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”  (KJV)

God’s gifts are perfect and complete! Though they may smart at times, they are our friends. God gave all of us faith and repentance when we were initially saved. I, for one, know that repentance hurt some, but was one of the best gifts I ever received from my Lord!

Listed below are four very important principles that we need to remember when God gives us the “gift” of criticism.

#1 – God Has Allowed This To Come Into Our Life

Rather than immediately jumping into defensive mode, we should recognize that God has allowed this person(s) to confront us. It may be to sharpen us as a better tool, or it may be to test our character in the face of cruelty. Either way, we must see this as God’s will. Remember that even when someone is ranting in the flesh and being used by Satan that we can learn something from it. Ask yourself the question, “God, what are you trying to teach me?” (Often easier said than done!)

#2 – God Has Decided To Trust Us With This Gift

Think about this… God thought enough of you that He can trust you with this gift of circumstance! WOW! How honored and privileged we are to have this occur in our lives. As hard as it may be to see this side of criticism, we must keep this sort of attitude. When doing so, even our enemies, according to the flesh, will be enamored by our character and integrity!

#3 – God Has A Plan For This Gift In Our Life

If God has allowed criticism to enter our life, and He thought enough of us that He can trust us with it, then we can be assured that He has a wonderful plan for it in our lives! God works everything together for our good and His glory. Even criticism can be used to help us, whether we think of it this way or not!

(Romans 8:28) “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  (KJV)

#4 – God Will Hold Us Accountable As To How We Use This Gift

Just like every other gift He gives us in life, we will be held accountable for how we respond to the gift of criticism. Enough said!


It is my hope that this post helped you recognize that criticism is a wonderful gift from God. When we see it’s greatness, the sting of momentary harshness will be better enjoined. Pastor, no matter how hard it may be, criticism is a gift that God wants you to have. Medicine may be swallowed while you hold your nose, but it helped you despite the dicomfort. Criticism may seem like this sometimes!

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