“Is This Something I Need To Correct Or Change?”
As every leader would challenge others to do, so must the leader do in his/her life. When criticized, everyone needs to ask themselves an all important question, “Is This Something I Need To Correct Or Change?” If we are honest with ourselves, then we will have to admit that most of the time very little consideration is given to this question. Furthermore, when we do ask this question, many times, we hide the answer from others and ourselves.
A Caution Must Be Heeded…
“in every criticism there is an element of truth!“
For some reason, we think people are picking on us when they share a criticism or we think they are being OVERLY critical of something. For these reasons, we dismiss what was sent from Heaven to help us! How many times a day does a spiritual leader ask God for wisdom and instruction? They beg God for it, but won’t take it when it comes in the form of a criticism. REMEMBER… in every criticism there is an element of truth!
EVERY Pastor…
Every pastor should be careful to ask themselves this question when someone approaches them with a criticism. The answer is very simple. We either say, “Yes!” or, “No!” If we need to work on the issue presented, then, by all means, implement a change or remedy so it won’t happen next time. If we see that the criticism is unfounded, then brush it off and move on. This question will work with any kind of criticism, constructive or non-constructive.
Bottom Line…
The truth of the matter is that if pastors/spiritual leaders are not willing to ask themselves this important question when criticized, then how can they preach or teach anyone else. Think about it… each time someone mounts a pulpit or lectern, they are preaching and teaching for a decision. They ask people to consider making some sort of change in their lives. If they are not willing to make changes in their own lives when confronted, then they are not much of a leader. In fact, they won’t be leading for very long!
Related articles
- Questions For Pastors When Being Forced Out (ifbkjv.com)
- How to Pray for Pastors (ministry127.com)
- Pastor, Do You Trust Your Leaders? (theworkingpastor.com)