Title: “God Is More Than Able!”
Text: Ephesians 3:20-21
(Ephesians 3:20-21) “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (KJV)
• Webster’s Dictionary says the word “able” means:
o Having skill
o Strength to perform a task
o Competent
o Talented
o Vigorous
o When you speak of able bodied; it speaks of seamanship – a sound body or robust (having all around knowledge of seamanship)
o The legal dictionary speaks of someone who is legally qualified
• Whether you speak in common terms, Nautical terms, or Legal terms, God is able!
Proposition: There are four areas where we know God can work in our lives this year that we need to think about this morning!
I. He Is Able To Work In Our Conflicts!
A. Conflicts range in severity but God can give wisdom to respond the right way!
B. There is not a conflict that God cannot work in:
i. In our life as we struggle with sin.
ii. In our realm of service.
iii. In our testimony.
C. Many times we see events or circumstances and we perceive that they are conflicts. Several times they are the hand of providence.
D. If we would look back into the year 2010, we probably can see several conflicts God worked in.
E. We should look forward to what He is going to do in 2011!
II. He Is Able To Work In Our Relationships!
A. Relationships are usually touchy subjects because we are dealing with at least one imperfect individual.
B. God can work in any relationship!
C. He can work in our relationship with him.
i. Convicts us.
ii. Comfort us.
iii. Constrains us.
D. He can work in our relationship with family members.
i. Spouses
ii. In laws
iii. Parents
iv. Children
E. He can take the rockiest of relationships and make them smooth out into the sand on the sea shore.
III. He Is Able To Work In Our Prayer Life!
A. Our prayer life is vital to our effectiveness.
B. God can take us and work with us so we can pray more.
C. Often, in order for this to happen, He has to do something to get our attention because when things go well we forget Him!
D. He can answer prayers that we thought were impossible.
E. He has performed this in 2010 and He can do it in 2011!
IV. He Is Able To Work In Our Workplace!
A. The workplace is an arena that is not foreign to God’s working!
B. Matthew was at his post at the receipt of custom, Elisha was plowing when God called him, the Phillipian jailor was saved while on the job.
C. It was on my public jobs that I have learned the most about what it means to walk with God!
D. There is no job site that God cannot work on!
E. He has worked on 2010 and He can work in 2011!
To The Sinner:
• Be saved!
To The Christian:
• Remember that our God is able!
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