It goes without saying that God’s men face tough times in ministry. Hard working pastors are confronted by grueling circumstances and “no win” situations rather frequently. There are seasons where every decision you make seems to bring increased heart aches. In fact, many times you see things that others don’t. Oh, how it breaks your heart! And I thought that preachers didn’t work? Who would figure?
Samuel’s Example…
Samuel was one of God’s choicest prophets in the Old Testament, and he faced seemingly insurmountable issues numerous times. Imagine having to share those words of judgment to Eli! (1 Samuel 3:11-18) What about having to deal with King Saul and his selfish attitude? A verse of Scripture jumped off of the pages of my King James Bible recently! It was 1 Samuel 15:11.
(1 Samuel 15:11) “It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.” (KJV)
Samuel’s Tears…
Many times the tears we shed are for some reason which is personal to us. In other words, our tears are usually due to something that concerns US! I do not mention that for a testimony against us, but to serve as an illustration of how grieved Samuel was that night!
Samuel was broken over another person’s sin. Yes, the ramifications of Saul’s disobedience would affect Samuel, but I do not think that was in view in Samuel’s mind, nor do I see it implicated in the Scripture we have referenced. Samuel loved Saul and hated to see how he turned out. He was broken over the fact that Saul lost favor with God.
Think About This…
Samuel’s motivation for tears now raises an obvious, self examining question. What causes us to shed tears as a pastor? Are we only brought to the valley of tears when we are affected personally or our reputation as pastor is in jeopardy? Does it bother us to the point we lose sleep and cry a river’s worth of tears when someone has sinned and will likely bring the chastening hand of God on their lives… even when it will not affect us personally? Something to think about, isn’t it?
A Word Of Encouragement…
Whatever your reason is for shedding tears in the ministry, they will surely be noticed by the Lord! Rest assured that weeping may endure for the night, but JOY does come in the morning! (Psalm 30:5) God knows right where you are at and knows what you are facing, feeling, and frustrated about. Pastor, don’t let Satan blow you light out! Even though every step you take seems to cause you excruciating pain, in the spiritual sense, just know that God loves you and will see you through your storm!
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