Examining The Sting Of Criticism | Coping With Criticism – A Pastor’s Nightmare

As we have mentioned in previous posts, no person likes to be criticized. It makes us feel uncomfortable, and uneasy. As a spiritual leader, and pastor, you know that you are not above criticism, but it still doesn’t ease your pride any. After all, you stick your neck out each time you teach and preach. In fact, you put yourself into a position to be criticized. Even knowing this ahead of time does not take the sting away!

The Cause Of The Sting…
Whether the criticism given to us by our peers is meant to be constructive or not, there is that STING which hurts so badly at times. Most of the time it is just one small word of statement that sends that enormous pain to our hearts. Sometimes it is the tone of voice or the look someone gives you as they share their thoughts. No matter how long you live, nobody gets used to the STINGof criticism.The Reason It Stings…

When you take a moment and think about why some criticisms STING so badly, it usually comes down to about three things.

  1. Our Pride Gets Hurt! – Something is said that we disagree with and it hurts our feelings.
  2. We Are Embarrassed By Someone’s Observation! – Sometimes people point out something awkward or embarrassing that occurred which we thought nobody saw. This is sometimes flaunted when a person wants to criticize another.
  3. The Criticism Hits A Nerve Because Of Truth! – The Holy Spirit of God will prick our conscience with truth whenever it is presented to us. Though many times the STING is from someone trying to be cruel, often it is the Holy Spirit trying to correct us. We would do well to take notice!


The STING of criticism is worth pondering. Looking back over the years it is that awful STING which has done the most good for me. In fact, it has been a great teaching tool! How about you? Does the STING of criticism reveal areas for correction in your life?

Look For Our Next Post In This Series: Assumptions On Our Part
543369: The John Phillips New Testament Commentary, 19 Volumes The John Phillips New Testament Commentary, 19 Volumes

By Kregel Publications

Explore the entire New Testament in greater depth. This complete set of New Testament commentaries from the pen of expositor John Phillips will provide pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of the Bible with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Preachers especially will appreciate these commentaries as they provide a model and resource for sermons and lessons. Working from the familiar King James Version, Dr. Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting to explore the meaning of God’s word in greater detail for personal spiritual growth or as a resource for preaching and teaching will welcome the guidance and insights of this respected series.

A frequent speaker at churches, conferences, and workshops across North America, John Phillips served as assistant director of the Moody Correspondence School as well as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School, one of the world’s largest Bible correspondence ministries. He also taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network. He and his wife, Betty, live in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

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About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is http://www.togetherinthegap.com. Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including http://linked2leadership.com and http://www.ifbkjv.com. Pastor Schank's Church website is http://www.greatcommissionbaptist.org
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