Nobody, by nature, likes criticism whether it is constructive or not. No spiritual leader, business leader, or community leader likes to be criticized in any way. For a pastor, of a local church, it can be a nightmare; especially if there is a faction in the church who have set themselves against his leadership.
Though criticism is often seen in a bad light it can be a leader’s best tool for self improvement. As stated earlier, it can be a good friend. The Bible speaks of the faithfulness of the wounds of a friend. Consider…
(Proverbs 27:6) “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (KJV)
Whether you are a pastor, evangelist or missionary, this series of posts will help you. In fact, anybody who wants to mature as a believer can be helped. For sure, I am writing these posts for my benefit. I need help in this area.
In future posts in this series we will address the following:
- Thankfulness For Those Who Criticized You.
- Criticism – A Gift From God.
- An Important, Self Examining Question.
- Examining The Sting Of Criticism.
- Assumptions On Our Part.
- Sinful Responses To Criticism.
- What Goes Around, Comes Around.
- The Danger Of Over-Reacting.
Your Involvement…
Before I conclude this post, I want to invite you to participate in this series with your stories, suggestions, and helpful comments. I would really like this to be a collaboration from several pastors, and various spiritual leaders. Would you please help in this endeavor?
Looking forward to working with each of you in days to come.