Much can be learned about an institution by what motivates it to perform. The individual factors which drive the various departments and over all functions of the establishment can be quite interesting. Whether viewing the political landscape, college campuses, small businesses or local churches, one can gather what urges these groups to do what they do. Whether pastors and congregations admit this or not, the fact of the matter is that the driving force behind each local assembly can be quite obvious.
The Driving Force Of A Church Should Be The Mission Statement!
The driving force behind any local assembly must be derived from its Mission Statement. If this is not spelled out in writing, then it should be commonly known among the membership. Could someone in your church clearly articulate the purpose of your church’s activities? They surely know what you are doing and why you seem to be doing it, but are their assumptions correct? If so, are they Biblical and fueled by righteous inclinations?
Sad to say, many churches are motivated and driven by the machinery and a host of other things while increasing the distance between themselves and what they were original moored upon. These moorings are the principles and precepts from God’s Holy Word! Oh, how we have come a long way… haven’t we?
Listed below are four, common, driving forces in churches. They do not originate from any church’s Mission Statement, nor will you find them readily admitted too, though obvious to the casual observer.
Many churches operate in a starchy, antiquated manner and have very little vision or desire to do anything but what they have always done. Of course, what they HAVE done is always referred to in the past tense because they are NOT doing anything in the present tense. Though a harsh assessment, this is REALITY in many places.
Instead of a spiritual awakening to get back on course, a counterfeit Christianity has emerged. While tradition can be good as Paul described it (2 Thessalonians 3:6 & 2 Timothy 2:2), everything a church does must be based solely upon the Scriptures or it will fail!!!
People can dominate the landscape of a church and drive it THEIR direction. Whether it is a pastor, or a regular church member doing this, Jesus Christ should be preeminent. When Jesus is not allowed His proper place, and, in His stead, a personality is running the show, then disaster is on the horizon.
Diotrephes (3 John 1:9) is a prime example of how a personality can drive a local assembly. The problems really come in the wake of a sinful fall, or when the leader has gone. Many churches had the pastor’s convictions and when he left the convictions left. Often a dictatorship results in a church over compensating in the next pastor. The church will usually not let the pastor lead. They fear of another monarchy!
If a church is not driven by tradition or personality, then it could, quite possibly, be driven by money. “God pays for what He orders!” “Where He guides, He also provides!” “A church must be walking by FAITH!” If these statements are our mantras, then why does the Almighty dollar tend to dictate what we do in a church?
A good leader will always count the cost, but the deciding factor for doing or not doing something should not solely rest in the finances. Any church who is driven by money, whether to grow a large income or from frugality born from fear, is in a sinful and a huge trap. It will bring a church’s ministry to a grinding halt! When, “How much will it cost?” is the question and not, “What does God want?”, then you know you have a problem.
Sometimes good things can become bad things. When one particular ministry determines the bulk of what a church does, then it has become driven by that program. This is not healthy at all. A church must carry out the whole mission of Christ’s church. When the church “cherry picks” what it will and will not do, then it might as well stop calling itself a church. Programs are only when in their proper place!
Much can be stated and debated about what drives a church to do what it does. One can be certain that what drives a church is obvious to the world, and will mature into a harvest of some sort. Many pastors and church members seem to be oblivious to what drives them even though it is plain to everyone else. May God’s people wake up and get back to the BOOK of the AGES! May we once again seek to make the Bible the sole basis of our faith and PRACTICE!
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Rut, Rot, or Revival
By A.W. Tozer / Wingspread Publishers In typical Tozer style and wit, Rut, Rot, or Revival challenges “sleeping” Christians to get out of their ecclesiastical ruts. Its chapters were originally preached as sermons at Avenue Road Alliance Church in Toronto. Whether spoken or written, Tozer’s words were designed to “promote personal heart religion” among God’s people. |