Though unable to do what he used to do, Pastor Ed has just changed venues. For over ten years now, he has been encouraging people via email. He has graciously agreed to be a contributing author to this website. This series of posts entitled, “Heart To Heart” are the fruit of his times with our Lord Jesus! If they mean as much to you as they do me, then EMAIL him and let him know about it!
(Ephesians 4:30) “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” (KJV)
“The seal of the Lord impresses His likeness on all it touches. So, the Holy Spirit seals us and makes us strong with the strength of Christ; and wise with the wisdom of Christ; and gracious with the gentleness of Christ; and holy with the purity of Christ.
We have the earnest of the Spirit, that is, the guarantee that our bodies will be resurrected from the dead.
The seal forever identifies us with Christ, as His possession; it guarantees that I am His and He is mine.
The Holy Spirit not only seals us, He is the seal; having His indwelling presence gives us this assurance.
This makes us distinct from the mere natural man who has no assurance of his future destiny. It is a great blessing to know assuredly that we belong to Christ.”
Pastor Ed Bowen